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Rage broad heads.


Active Member
I am going to shoot these this year after seeing first hand how effective they are. Has anybody else look hard at this new Cam style mechanical? One of the biggest attention getters is the boast of no loss of kinetic energy. I am thinking every low weight shooter that could not consider a mechanical now can. The holes the two blade Rage heads leaves is large and I have been told that in head to head comparison to Razorbacks the stopping power is superior. They are hard to find this season but I am willing to bet they will be very popular when they can keep up with supplies.
I have several buddies that are all considering this broadhead. My biggest concern is it's ability to go thru bone. With that large of a cutting diameter it would be hard for me to imagine that head making it thru a shoulder blade intact. My biggest reservation would be getting good penetration in a less than optimal shot placement.
Just wondering how stopping power is compared head to head in broadheads? Also, what exactly is stopping power in broadheads? Besides spine shots and any other shot that would shut down the central nervous system (which are normally associated with less than ideal shot placement) I can't say that I've ever seen a mid to large game animal stopped in it's tracks. I believe that the stopping power that these manufacturers speak of should be referred to as bleed out. Bleed out is what happens when something sharp goes into a part of the body(vitals) where something sharp really shouldn't be, as it causes massive bleeding until whatever is bleeding dies. That is what any sharp broahead will do. I don't mean to sound so negative- If someone wants to use thse heads then by all means use them. I'm sure that they would kill a deer just as dead as any other head that is put in the right place. It just amazes me that the biggest breakthrough in the history of archery and bowhunting seems to happen every year. I don't mean to specifically trash Rage broadheads I don't know firsthand if they are legit or hack. It just seems that you have to wade through a pool of gimmicks for every one good product and it's just discouraging. Sorry, I'll get off this soapbox.
Ironwood-please don't take that rant as an attack on you or the equipment you use.
My buddy shot a 133" on Friday with the 2" Rage he shot the buck behind the shoulder perfect broad side and did not get a pass through. The buck only went 40 yard but in my book pass-through are essential. He was shooting a Switchback at 70 pounds. It left a heck of a hole but 2" is just a little too much blade to push.
I don't know anything about this broadhead but it doesn't matter what broadhead or broadhead type you use, a larger cutting diameter uses more energy when slicing through the animal and cutting more tissue will have less penetration. Properly placed and with higher poundage you will still probably get a pass through but I certainly would never recommend that a low poundage shooter use a large cutting diameter broadhead of any brand or style.
I did some asking around and I heard some negative stuff about them. A bow dept salesman for a big retailer said they were getting many returns from unstatisfied customers.
If you guys like the cam action mechanical and are afraid the cutting diamater is to big to pass thru i would get the rocky mountain snyper's. Rage bought the patent from rocky mtn. the only real diff. i see is the cutting diamater. The two blade is a little smaller than rage's as well.

Iam shooting the snyper XP3's and they have a cutting diameter of 1 1/8. Which is exactly what I wanted (Smaller cutting diameter for more penetraton, cam action for reliable mech. heads, and field point flight.)

Not to mention the snypers are cheaper. I got 3 packs of brand new xp3's for $80 on archery talk.
i read that the 3 blades had some instances of not opening. the 2 blades fared a bit better
I'll let you all know how they perform. I just recieved six heads in the mail and am looking forward to talking them for a test run.
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