I wish I had a pic of the doe I shot with the 3 blade, well I have a pic but I didn't take a picture of the wound. I didn't get a passthrough, but I shot her at 27 yards quartering away and my broadhead lodged up against her opposite shoulder after going through her liver, lungs, and heart. The broadhead shattered her shoulder after tearing through the boiler maker and a rib, plus the hole was freakin' huge. The package said 1.5" cutting diameter but mine was more like 2.5", probably from kinetic energy. She ran 40 yards down a steep ravine to her death. The bloodtrail was bigger than anything I've ever gotten with a gun, and a monkey could have tracked my deer, blood everywhere. People talk about them not passing through, which is irrelevant because of their cut on impact design. You're going to get a trail no matter what with these heads if your shot placement is good. They had problems with them deploying last year but after the recall I haven't heard of any unsatisfied customers. The guy in the review might have been using the older rage model. Anyways, I swear by these heads and think everyone should give them a try at least.