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Rage review


Life Member
I found this post interesting....considering it was posted on a public forum by a hunter who is sponsored by Rage. I have not tried the head, but have been curious. Rage review
This was a rage 3 blade Chris.

Solid quartering to, shoulder blade hit.

Stuck in the opposite shoulder and the deer crashed after 40 yards.

This was my first deer shooting the Rage. Considering the shot, I wouldn't have expected a pass through with any other head either.

What a hole!

The 2 blade holes are unimaginable!! Have had a lot of people from the shop love them and have shot a couple of deer with them myself!! I was amazed at the hole!
I have a friend who switched to the RAGE blades this year. He shot a buck Saturday night and had appx 5" - 6" penatration. His nephew who is not pushing as much wieght also had an almost identical experience. Thankfully both these deer were recovered.

I personally believe that you are going to have both good and bad reviews on just about any blade but with this article and my friends experience I will stick to my NAP Spitfire XP PRO's.
I wish I had a pic of the doe I shot with the 3 blade, well I have a pic but I didn't take a picture of the wound. I didn't get a passthrough, but I shot her at 27 yards quartering away and my broadhead lodged up against her opposite shoulder after going through her liver, lungs, and heart. The broadhead shattered her shoulder after tearing through the boiler maker and a rib, plus the hole was freakin' huge. The package said 1.5" cutting diameter but mine was more like 2.5", probably from kinetic energy. She ran 40 yards down a steep ravine to her death. The bloodtrail was bigger than anything I've ever gotten with a gun, and a monkey could have tracked my deer, blood everywhere. People talk about them not passing through, which is irrelevant because of their cut on impact design. You're going to get a trail no matter what with these heads if your shot placement is good. They had problems with them deploying last year but after the recall I haven't heard of any unsatisfied customers. The guy in the review might have been using the older rage model. Anyways, I swear by these heads and think everyone should give them a try at least.
Some hate the...some love them. I have shot only one deer, a doe with the 2 blade...fantastic result.
I have had great performance from the Rage 2 blade this year. I have a picture of the first doe I shot with them as she laid, but am hesitant to post them since they are so graphic. I will say this- the holes looked like they were made with an ax.
I've shot 4 deer with them and the farthest any of them went was about 70 yards. I shot a doe quartering away last week. The arrow went in just in from of the back rib through the lungs and heart, out the opposite front "armpit" and then through the front leg. Penetration has NOT been an issue. The guys having poor penetration must be hitting some serious muscle and bone that any head would have a hard time getting through.
Can't complain. The entry hole was much larger than I would have imagined. I made a quartering to shot (never do that again) but the Rage 2 blade did enough damage to enable me to make the recovery. The only problem I've had is that a few that I have that are a year old now....the O-ring does not want to hold the blades in place. But with a little persuasion, they held just fine.

I'm pretty impressed with these. I shot two deer in less than 20 minutes last weekend and the first doe I shot was right in the pocket and she only went about 50 yards and piled up. The button buck I shot I had lined up in the pocket and right as I shot he moved so I hit him right in the ham. He went about 60 yards into the bean field and laid down and died. It's my feeling that if I hadn't used an expandable so it tore his insides up he would've ran off and we would've never recovered him because there was no blood anywhere.
Shot placement on my buck wasn't perfect ...and he had a pretty big body. I was worried about a shoulder hit...not anymore..WOW..the carnage.
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