I've also thought about something as simple as a small plastic sun/rain lens cut from a plastic tube and glued on there? Sorta like the sun lenses that are on large camera lenses?
I bought a used Leaf River DC-2? and then I bought another one (new) for a buddy off of Ebay. When he unpacked his it came with a small tube/visor that sits over the lens. I went to the hardware store bought a 3/4in piece of PVC about 3 inches long. Cut it in half then ground the bottom of it back at an angle and it snaps into place. http://www.myleafriver.com/html/dc6ss.html
That has a pretty good pic of what is supposed to be there and what mine looks like.
That's exactly what I was thinking of, a small piece of PVC cut to that shape would work perfect. Might even keep frost from building up on there during the colder months too, eh?
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