Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Wow that was a rain event now!!! We had about five inches in less than an hour in New Market. Water every where.
Scott on here was hoping for 2 inches of rain earlier today...... I would blame him. :drink2:
Bedford didn't get hit as hard, but man has the rain been causing me fits trying to get my clover plots in. It seems to rain every couple days, and not just a "shower", but inches at a time. Will be lucky to get everything done by mid to late May, and my luck, it won't rain once I get them put in!!!
Wind blew so hard it blew rock all over my cement pad by house. Terraces are full of water .Creston was whacked had hospital houses mess .
I was at a buddies house in Oskaloosa last night and we had pea to golf ball size hail for about 5 minutes. My truck didn't like that....
Well down in Eldon,,I watched it all passing up North. We got a couple little showers is all Sat Nite. All total from Friday to sunday,,less than an inch! Ponds around me are still down a couple foot or more, and most creeks only a trickle yet. We still need a good deluge to get our surplus back up. We had one last spring and man, it left fast when the 90's came. I drove back up to DesMoines this afternoon and you sure could see where the rains went. Osk-on up to DesMoines and north. alot of fields,, standing water. Of coarse glad my land missed the wind-hail-tornados,,but could have used the h2o.
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