Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



PMA Member
Does this count as a harvest? My son caught this today, 24", 5 & 1/2 lbs. Checked with the taxidermist & he wants $12.00/inch, ouch!
I doubt I will ever have a skin mount fish again..when the humidity gets up there...the mount smells like low tide. Fiberglass reproductions are real nice and last much longer...and lack the smell my mount has.

btw...nice trout.
nice fish!!!!!
of course it counts as somthing that belongs in the Harvest Report.....
Way to go!!
Both were caught within 30 minutes of each other. NE Iowa, Junction of a small trout stream and a big river...I better stop, too much info already...
Sounds like that river might be in Upper Iowa
or at least near by.
I used to get up there quite a bit. Now it's too far to go for a day trip

Way to go, nice fish
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