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Rainwear question

Stump Shooter

New Member
I want to look into getting some nice camo rain gear, but there are about 1000 different types and styles out there. What do you guys have that you really like?? It has to be quiet! That's a must!

Thanks in advance!
I have the Cabela's MTO50 clothing. It has a polyester shell overtop of goretex. The shell becomes water soaked with a good rain, even though I stay dry there is a damp feeling if I don't have layers on underneath it. It is not completely silent either. Maybe not that much of a factor if it's raining though. I would say it's a decent product, but I don't think it's worth the price they get. I wouldn't say it's all they advertise it to be, as far as the "Ultimate rainwear" either. I'm betting there might be a better product out there. Let us know what and why you decided on.
I have the ScentBlocker Outfitter clothing and it does its job at keeping me dry.
Ditto to what RBBoy said.
Cabela's MTO50 is great, but a little pricey. I've got their DryPlus Rain suede jacket and pants and love the stuff. Have used it during turkey season in downpours and in fall/winter as a waterproof/ windproof over layer. It's got great zippers, plenty of pockets and cover flaps that snap down tight. Jacket runs about $100 (compared to $150 for MT050) and pants around $85 (compared to $140 for MT050) but I bought mine on an in-store closeout of camo pattern and got the works for $120. Best $$$$ I ever spent.
i went all out and got the mt50. Awsome stuff!!
Hated to spend the money but you get what you pay for.
I'm with threebeards. I just bought a Cabelas Dry-Plus suede jacket and pants while I was in K. C. last weekend for the races. Probably won't use it until I'm up in Iowa in Nov. Hope its cold so I get to try it out. I paid 125 for the coat and 89 for the pants.
Pella and Whitewater both offer rain suits that are nearly identical to the MT050 suit and are half the price.
I got the Browning Hydrofleece Featherweight stuff a couple of years ago and it is awesome stuff as well....Hard to find nowdays...nobody carries it.
I've used Cabela's MTO5O (since 1997 I believe- on my 2nd set now) from NY to Colorado and a whole helluva lot in between and it's great stuff.

However, I'm hearing even BETTER reviews about Rivers West products:


This stuff is supposed to be practically indestructible, and totally waterproof, so to me it will be worth the price as was the MTO5O. I love to hunt in the rain, but hate getting wet....tough to do both and come home happy!!
I really appreciate all of the info guys! At least now I have a few outfits to check out. I'll let you know what I settle on.
Well fellas,

Ran down to Cabelas this weekend. I bought the Cabelas Dry Plus Suede jacket/pant. I really liked the MT050, but I just couldn't get myself to spend well over $300 on some clothes that I'm not going to wear everytime I go out in the woods. It's roughly made out of the same fabric as the MT050 and is quiet, which is what I was looking for the whole time really.

Thanks for the info

I don't think you'll be disappointed. Like I said in my earlier post, I've been out in down pours and stayed nice and dry and it breathes pretty well too. And the double layer knees, seat and elbows come in handy too.
Browning Hydroflease is great--but, I did have one bad experiance with it. On one of those nights a bowhunter dreams of ( light rain turning to sleet and snow) mine actually froze up, causing a velcro effect when I finall got the draw on a 170" typ. 8 years ago. Needless to say-not a good thing at 5 yards.
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