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Rattling gone wrong?


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I was walking back from my stand and had a nice 160 class 10 pointer eating about 200 yards away. He had no idea I was there and I was down wind from him. I hid and watched him for 15 minutes or so and he had run off a younger buck. I rattled at him and he just took off running in the other direction wanting no part of it. has he been beat up too much or whats the reason for not even looking up and just running off?
Any time you try to communicate with a buck; be it rattling, calling, using scents or setting out a decoy, you do so not knowing for sure how they will react. Sometimes it's not what you expect or hope for. I tend to only rattle or call if I'm pretty sure I have little to loose, as in I don't think they are going to come my way unless I do something. Win some/lose some. Sorry, this time you lost. better luck next time.
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