Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Really, really, dry...

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What part of the Platte?

I'm gunna say the dry part! :D Sorry, couldn't resist, but seriously, this dry weather is getting me down. It seems like 80% of the time the past few years I have a potentially decent food plot or two and then it is either way too wet or way too dry and the thing is foiled.

If we ever have a normal year we won't be able to recognize it.
From watching the radar and storm totals for today, I'm guessing I'll find 0.2" in the rain gauge at the farm. Radar shows some clouds building in the Des Moines area, might not be done yet. ;)

At this point, I'm tickled to get any rain that falls.
you guys in the se part of the state should get some good rain tonight, however you will have to deal with the severe part.
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