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Reason for hit the woods this deer season Poll

Main goal for deer hunting this season

  • Take a trophy buck

    Votes: 46 43.4%
  • Fill freezer

    Votes: 9 8.5%
  • Enjoy the outdoors

    Votes: 44 41.5%
  • Spend time with family and friends

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 1.9%

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Active Member
What is the main reason you hit the deer woods this fall?

Please think it through and be honest.

I'll be the first to admit that I was hunting for a set of horns.

I've set my own personal goal. I'm sure some of it stems from public view in one way or another.

Don't get me wrong all the other choices have a lot to do with me hunting I enjoy them all.
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im wth u on that one i still havent got a buck with my muzzle i have been hunting that for awhile now and shot all does.. but it is usally the last week .. i just started bow hunting..i could vote for all three but the trophy buck or at least one with horns would have to be the one..
I hunt to enjoy the outdoors but my main goal is to always take a trophy buck. Never happens though. :)
I hunt to enjoy the outdooors, unwind and fill the freezer. Any encounter with a deer is exciting to me and a great season doesn't have to include a trophy buck kill.
I voted other as I like to shoot old bucks regardless of rack size especially if I have a history with them. The age of the last 5 bucks (not counting this years) are
5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 7.5, 6.5. Aged buy tooth sectioning.

The 7.5 only scored 133 but was the most satisfying as I had hit the deer 3 years before.
When I say trophy buck I mean a trophy to you not a record book.

Deer hunting is much more than anything you have listed there. It is all of the above and then some. It's a 365 day per year passion.

Thanks though for clarifying what a trophy is. For me, I enjoy the challenge of shooting only mature deer, both bucks and does. Been trying to do that for over 30 years. It's part of the passion and I see nothing wrong with it.
Im there for antlers plain and simple. They are the reason I am able to enjoy the countless hours in the woods, the reason my buddies and I love hunting together, and what makes the world turn.

If it were for a Big Horn set,,or even an old timer, I'd not be going out, or preparing for months at all. Old, big Racks are few and far between in my realm, and I will never own enough property to turn into a deer haven. Even though I am in Iowa,,,I have learned you need more than just being in IA,, to see book trophies every year. I like the outdoors, morning rise,eve sunset, and all the critters out there. I love venison, and the excitement of harvesting a truly wild animal.
I bow hunt and late muzzy hunt. My first goal for going out is to bag a buck bigger than my previous bucks. If that doesn't happen, its not that big deal cause that not the only reason I'm out there. I bow hunt cause I love to sit out there to get away from everything for awhile, so peaceful. I muzzy hunt for the same reason but also love to get together with the guys and just hang out and have fun. I love the outdoors and getting out there every chance I get. A big set of horns is always my main objective, but far from being the only reason.
I voted for enjoy the outdoors, if i didnt enjoy getting outside in the fall and seeing the tracks, trails, all the different animals from birds to squirrels, seeing the sunrise and set it wouldn't be worth the time and effort. With that said my goal is to shoot a trophy buck(a trophy in my eyes), and like loneranger said, the chances of ever owning enough land to really produce mature bucks with me being the only one with a crack at them is not realistic, they are far and few, its takes more than just being in Iowa.
My main goal this year was to set out with my first bow tag and take a nice mature buck. After waiting it out and endless frustrations I did take my buck, trophy to me, but I actually enjoyed just being out. Seeing things that a lot of other people never even think about and just sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the outdoors. The ultimate stress relief! (Unless the deer are 80yds away) :)
I voted for enjoying the outdoors. It is more to me than just the kill. I would like to shoot and try to shoot only mature deer, but alot of the time it is the opportunity that I'm given is the one I take (within reason). I'm just thankful for the opportunity that I have been given to be able to enjoy the outdoors with friends & family, and appreciate the Lord's creations in ways most people never get to see.
I voted for antlers but would have to agre that its all the above. I work a high stress, 60+ hr/week shirt/tie job year round to take time in the fall to hit the tree and "reset" my sanity meter. Until this year, i always thought it was to take a trophy, but over 200 hours ina tree this fall made realize its the tranquility, sights, sounds and unusual things you see and are a part of that truly draw me to the woods each fall. i can have the worst day going and the minute i get out of office on the way to woods, i feel a sesne of ease. All the hectic BS goes away. The time in the tree really gives a guy time to sit and think, it can give you a different perspective. Aside of getting too deep, great post...
I voted for take a trophy buck.That being said what a deer scores has no factor on if it is a trophy buck or not!
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