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Red Rock public land


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I know this may sound like i'm not a hard core hunter because I can't do it all but I figured someone on here has probably hunted around Red Rock and could help me. I was wondering if anyone has had luck around Red Rock for bow hunting deer? Since I run cross-country at Central and am on one of their boards I don't have near as much time as I would like to scout and hunt (probably less than 10 mornings/evenings of hunting total) so if anyone is willing to point me in a direction I would GREATLY appreciate it! I honestly would love to scout every day and watch deer every night but I just can't do that with my schedule. Any helpful feedback is welcome and appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Why are you running cross country ? Is some one chasing you? If you spent less time running and more time scouting you could find a good spot to whack deer AND who ever is chasing you!
Seriously though, I would suggest looking at topo maps online (for natural funnels, food sources and such) , buying a climber and putting your nose to the wind. When you hunt public land, as often as not, you're going to find other people hunting the same areas you do. Hence the need for a climbing tree stand.
Yes there are big deer at Red Rock. I've never hunted there but have seen the pics from friends at work who have.
Good luck to ya
I use to hunt there quite abit and could point you in a few directions. What part of red rock are you looking to hunt? The spot i use to hunt is east of udders steak house. Now i havent hunted there in afew years as i was starting to see alot more people than deer.
I use to hunt there quite abit and could point you in a few directions. What part of red rock are you looking to hunt? The spot i use to hunt is east of udders steak house. Now i havent hunted there in afew years as i was starting to see alot more people than deer.

That area is nearly overrun now. I would stay away from there. I don't hunt the public land around the lake, but grew up there so know of quite a few good spots. PM sent.
I've never hunted the area around the lake, but use to hunt all the time around the Runnells/Swan area on both sides. It too has increased in the amount of hunters, the deer numbers are down. If you go deep away from the parking areas closer towards the river you can get away from the people. This year it should be better as it did not flood, the past several years it had mainly all flooded and there were no crops and hardly any undergrowth.
Hunting public is a different animal. Get in your stand at least an hour before anybody else and just sit and be quiet. No calling and don't use any scents. Those deer have heard, seen, and smelled it all. I hunt public often and am in my stand at least 1 1/2 hours before it even thinks about getting light out.

I also hang a bunch of stands in the area I hunt and make people think its a busy area to keep them away. Ya, it has worked so far... :). Good luck...
I have hunted public land before and 4 out of the 5 bucks I have killed have come from public land but when I went to college last year that land is close to 2 hours away. I have a lone wolf stand and know walking is part of the public land deal. Thanks for all the help guys, I really do appreciate it!
Talk to John Roslien in the training department. He may be able to help you out. Tell Him I say hi, I went there in the late 90's and had pretty good luck of getting permission on private ground. Times may have changed but tell them you go to Central it will help.
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