Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Remember this controversy


PMA Member
Remember a few years ago the internet hunting? A webcam where you could fire a gun at a target (deer) from your PC. It didn't take long for USFWL and states to outlaw that.

Is there laws against planting tracking devise's on game animals? I can see where someone or some company before long will come up with darting an animal with a tracking dart so a person can locate where thier target is before they even step in the woods. I hope I'm wrong about that but there's alot of people in this world.
I would love to dart a couple booners I know of and stick a tracking devise in their ear just to know where and how they mysteriously hide so well. Im guessing I would find out that they bed up for 90% of the time but I bet you could sure learn alot. Especially to see if these big old bucks are as smart as people think they are.

As far as using somthing like that as a hunting tool. I dont think it would be considered hunting anymore.
Something like that goes on in Alaska. Planes go out to search moose from the air. Then they land, and hunt. Think there is a law against this though. At least in the same day. Spot and hunt a no-no.
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