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Removing electric fence timing ?

At what point are you removing your electric fence? Specifically on brassicas? I have some pretty good growth now about a foot tall.
how big is it and what’s deer density like? If it’s a big plot & not a gazillion deer that will destroy- I’d pull it now. For sure couple weeks before season…. Unless you’re wanting to hunt later in season & really need to protect as much food for later as possible- delay as needed in that case.
All my fence is down.
Depends on deer densities and if they have been accustomed to them in the past?
I've never fenced a plot. I just know the radishes and Dwarf rape will get hit harder early and PTT later.
This is a small farm surrounded mostly by CRP so not huge food sources around. It’s about 2.5 acres of brassicas with another 2.5 if clover around it. Would like for the food to make it to late season so might wait a couple more weeks
Personally my experience with brassicas is that you're almost talking about two different food sources. I'd drop the fences right now. They'll hammer the greens now & hardly touch the bulbs. The greens will be toast after the first couple frosts so I'd leverage them for early food now.
Personally my experience with brassicas is that you're almost talking about two different food sources. I'd drop the fences right now. They'll hammer the greens now & hardly touch the bulbs. The greens will be toast after the first couple frosts so I'd leverage them for early food now.
I haven’t thought of it that way makes sense
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