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removing invasive trees


PMA Member
What is everyone's prefered method for removing locust trees?

We've got black locust ranging from 1/2" diameter to 15+" diameter at chest height. From what I'm reading the smaller ones can be killed through foliar application but I'm curious about basal bark and/or cut stump application of herbicides such as Remedy, Garlon, Relegate, and mixing these with diesel fuel. Has anyone tried this in the past and have any suggestions, thanks in advance!
You need any fence posts? They make great line posts and a lot of people in my area use them for corners too.
Cut and spray the stumps...or girdle and paint the exposed wood. I've had black locust bounce right back after spraying or painting with a heavy glyphosate mix. I then used garlon the next year with 100% kill. Your trees being quite a bit smaller, glyphosate may work (and be cheaper too). I didn't mix with diesel, but would imagine you'd get a letter better kill that way.

Hope this helps!
I'm going through tons of Tordon lately on box elder, russian olive, multiflora rose and locust. I've had great success treating stumps. Girdling is more challenging, but pretty effective.
Thanks for the input. We cut down 100s of black locust a couple years ago. We did the cutting in late April/ early May and immediately treated each stump with Tordon RTU. Not a single tree died...

When the sap was rising it apparently pushed the chemical out of the tree. Lesson learned. Sounds like everyone else has good luck with Tordon when applied at the right time.

We've got some bigger trees we'd like to try the hack 'n squirt method on but at a different time of year.
So how about all those stumps that sprouted up- spraying them down with some type of cocktail that includes super strong mixed round-up? Maybe mix in some nastier stuff with it (possibly Round-up, 2,4-d & more tordon???).
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So how about all those stumps that sprouted up- spraying them down with some type of cocktail that includes super strong mixed round-up? Maybe mix in some nastier stuff with it (possibly Round-up, 2,4-d & more tordon???).

They got hit with crossbow and burned bad but they are looking great again now.

I think we're going to try the tordon again and just do it at a different time of year. Maybe this fall or winter.
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