PMA Member
What is everyone's prefered method for removing locust trees?
We've got black locust ranging from 1/2" diameter to 15+" diameter at chest height. From what I'm reading the smaller ones can be killed through foliar application but I'm curious about basal bark and/or cut stump application of herbicides such as Remedy, Garlon, Relegate, and mixing these with diesel fuel. Has anyone tried this in the past and have any suggestions, thanks in advance!
We've got black locust ranging from 1/2" diameter to 15+" diameter at chest height. From what I'm reading the smaller ones can be killed through foliar application but I'm curious about basal bark and/or cut stump application of herbicides such as Remedy, Garlon, Relegate, and mixing these with diesel fuel. Has anyone tried this in the past and have any suggestions, thanks in advance!