Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Rendezvous - Thank You



This years Iowawhitetail Rendezvous was a fantastic time! We had some huge bucks, some truly amazing sheds, great food, one of the best 3-D courses in the state and best of all - a great group of whitetail fanatics!

We wanted to send out a big "Thank You" to the following;

First and foremost, Moosehunter was the backbone for this year's Rendezvous - WE CAN'T THANK HIM ENOUGH! He made a tremendous effort in spearheading the organization of the whole event, not to mention the fantastic the 3-D course.

Brad Osmonson(ozzie1), owner of Ozzie's, also played a vital roll in securing targets and setting up the course. When you are in the area be sure to stop by his shop.

Dale Hoagie and his staff at Chase the Adventure hunt & gun club were extremely hospital and accommodating. I can't even begin to describe how nice their lodge was - it was truly a 1st class operation and a hunter's paradise. Can't wait until next year!

American Big Game and Fish Records - Thanks for completing all of the scoring - "Giving Credit for Everything they Grow" which your scoring system is founded upon - just makes sense!

Thanks to all the members that helped to construct the course, it was awesome! It's not often when you can have a first time shooter and a veteran 3-D shooter both raving how great the range was . . . great job!

Decorah Kawasaki Dealership - The Mule's were much appreciated and worked fantastic!

Minnesota Archers - Thanks for donating the targets! We really appreciate your generosity.

OldBuck, Shovelbuck & Strut&Rut - Thanks again for your donations of the awards.

Ruddbow - thanks for your work on the best looking score cards & signage around!

Contest Results & Photos will soon follow.

Good Lord where do I start... It was one hellava time (even though I had to bag early). Enjoyed every minute of it. Was floored by the hospitality and class of the folks at Chase the Adventure truely top shelf. It was great to meet all you guys in person. Next time I promise I will stay up longer.

Anyway Chris, Dale, Perry, Wayne, Ryan, Brad and all that contributed thank you!

You guys that didn't make it... put it on the calendar for next year.

It sounds like it was a great time. I am still hearing story's from Ghost about what a fun time it was and all the great guys that put it all together and participated. I will definitely make the trip next year barring I have no weddings to go to
I also want to send out a big thank you for all of the work put into this weekend. It was a real good time, and will be very hard to top in the years to come. Great job guys.
I know it's a drive for most but I'm leaving up the course till this weekend for anyone that wants to shoot it. I'm gonna, that's for sure. I have to drive about an 1 1/2 one way to bring the targets back so will need the better part of a day to do that. Especially if I have to make more than one trip.
We had a great time and will not miss next years Rendezvous. It sounds like the location is going to stay with Hoggie and Julie at Chase the Adventure. All I can say is if you did not make it this year don't miss it next year. Great facility with a great host and hostess made for a truly a memorable time for myself and both of my sons. My boys both shot Five Stand better than I and it was great to watch them bust those clays. Thanks to everybody that help put the weekend together and it was great getting to know many of you better.
ironwood - seems that you and B&C do that all the time, hopefully turdy will learn from the examples!!
Unfortunately he learns from everything he sees and he was watching you all weekend. Well mostly late Friday and into early Saturday. You and a few other card players. Crap, it’ll take all year just to get him all straitened out again.
that wasn't me he was watching, it was the evil muddy
the good muddy was tied up downstairs
oh, i think i'm pretty much the schmuck in the middle taking all the abuse, i figured that much'd be ovbious from the last few weeks on here!!!
I still can't believe the honeymoon is barely over and you post an avatar of you and your girl friend.
Ouch. Muddy, I think you just got burned

That was one of the funnest weekends I've had in a while, in by far the coolest barn I've ever slept in. Can't wait until Dale signs up and helps us harass...ummm...not Muddy.
speaking of getting burned madison i'm surprised your pasty white SKINNEY body didn't get burnt when you were blinding us out on the course without a shirt on.
Getting back on the topic....... I've been moving since the event and haven't been on since. I had an outstanding time. What a great group of guys! For those of you who didn't come because of the NE location, don't let it keep you away next year. I don't think that there could have been a better setting. The lodge was beautiful, the 3-d great, and the company was even better. Thanks to all who made it possible!!! My reservation is in for next year.

i'll remember to bring more arrows next year bowman for when we do the 2nd annual muddy/bowman novelty pick your own shot nothing under 40 yards shoot!!!
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