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Renested, how late?


New Member
Spotted post from Youngbuck & made me wonder how long/late hens will renest. I saw 25-30 hens over several miles on Saturday but saw no poults. I haven't kept a log on this but seems I have seen poults by July 4th in past years.
Not sure
Hay is going up so slow with all the rain.Little chicks are half grown here!
Here in S.W. Iowa we got 10+ inches of rain within a time frame of two weeks. This rain fell during the first and second week of the hens nesting.

As I have been driving around the country side these last few weeks hoping to spot a big buck I have seen a number of hens out and about feeding. Many of these flocks I saw had no young birds with them. Hopefully they are re-nesting, but it is my opinion that many turkey, pheasant, and quail nest were rained out this spring. Sure do hope I am wrong.
Not sure if the turkeys will renest. I have seen groups of hens lately and did take note that it seemed they had fewer poults than I normally see them with. I saw three hens yesteday that had three poults. Tough wet spring for nesting. The bright side is that from what I have seen, the pheasants faired a little better (at least in my area).
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