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Renzo's Decoy's


Miles Coffin
Just checking to see if others have been experiencing what I have with these decoy's. First off this is my first full year of bow hunting and am seeing a lot of action. I have a Buck Renzo decoy and have noticed some strange behavior from the deer that see it.

I'm hunting a big grassy draw with timber filled ridges where my stand is set up. The first place I put it was right out in the middle of the grass. Deer that see it, went out of their way to avoid it. They would walk clear around it and not to my side where I could shoot. The next couple times, bucks would spot it and came up and got down wind to check it out that way. They didn't smell anything and moved on away from me and the decoy. After that I started hanging some Tarsal Gland scent on it. Now just the last couple weeks, they are not even checking it out. The only deer that have approached it was a doe that came running toward the decoy and noticed it at the last minute when they got to the side of it. Yesterday, I set it up in the woods 20 yards to my side and had 2 bucks spot it from the grass. One just starred it down for 15 minutes, the other turned and went back where he came from. Then had a doe and buck behind me in the woods just stomp and were affraid to get close to it.

I think I need to get a couple more of them, maybe a couple does to set up with the buck, but am hesistant to do so since I'm getting such strange reactions with this decoy.

I'm starting to think now that the rut is all but over that having the decoy is hurting me more than helping me, but am hesistant to take it down. It does keep extra eye's from looking up and spotting me.

Any idea's or suggestions for me? I know I'm not getting winded. My scent was blowing right over the deer behind me last night and they stayed there for over 30 minutes last night.
I would try not using it if I were you right now. I don't think the bucks would really be that interested in it. Plus if you have been using it everytime and all those bucks have seen it, yet not committed to it, I think if you don't fool them once, you won't fool them twice. That's just what I think, I don't even hunt with a decoy. I just think a big ole smart buck won't come into it, if he has seen it in the past and its always in the same general area. Maybe the other guys have better insight for yah
I used a 2D decoy only a couple of times and to be honest, I never had a good reponse to them from the deer. Liv4Rut is right on not using it right now and for saftey reasone, DO NOT use it during the gun season (maybe legal issues as well) The bucks have been all over the county by now and I doubt are looking for a fight as they are worn out from the rigors of the rut. I have used them in late season with a little success but not near the action as a month ago.

I have had some really big bucks come into the decoy so they do work in the right place, wind and deer's mood. Good Luck in the late season
Hopefully KansasHeadHunter will read this thread and respond. I do know that he uses decoys alot and I believe he has had some real positive success...

As for my expreriences with decoys, I have had no luck at all!!! Everytime I have used on the deer have gone out of their way to avoid it....

I never carry it out in the open. I carry it in my backpack in and out of the woods. I never have it in the same spot twice. I'll try a day without it next time out. I do have to say that the deer I'm hunting seem to be some of the most un-pressured deer I've ever hunted. They are hard to spook and hardly ever run off at strange sounds. The bucks don't seem to be torn up. I don't think I've seen one broken antler yet. I know where they live and where they eat, I Just can't get one to walk under my tree stand right now. Stinks seeing so many deer and not being able to draw them in close enough to shoot at. I just hope they aren't getting hunted 1st season. They can't get far enough away from me when I take my shotgun in after them. There is an 8 in there that needs to go on the wall.

Thanks for the help..
I relly don't know why they are totally avoiding you're set up unless it's a scent issue. Always wear clean gloves while handling you're decoy because 9 times out of 10 they aproach from down wind.Decoys are not affective all season.I have the best results with a buck decoy during pre-rut. Right before chasing.They are also affective during the first part of season while the bucks are still in bachelor groups.I try to place it 25 to 30 yrds up wind of me and put the deer right in my lap.Also I have never tried a silhouette decoy so I can't tell you how affective they are.3D's are a little more expensive but at the right time their worth their weight in gold.Good luck!
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