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PMA Member
I am heading to Texas in early April for a few days of chasing hogs, coyotes, and maybe a Rio.

I heard tell of that they are a little more scittish and cautious than the Easterns we have here. Is that true?

I hate to break my streak of good luck on a smart bird..........
The Rio hybrids we have in central Nebraska don't seem to be overly skittish or cautious, but then, I've never hunted any other subspecies of turkey so it's tough to make the comparison. They've still got the same small brain. Good luck on your hunt.
A turkey is a turkey is a turkey, they can all make you look silly. It is when you think that they can reason that you start to talk to yourself. With that said they all live their life in a dramatic state of paranoia. The Rio's that I have hunted acted much like the Easterns and Merriams however the Rios along with the Merriams seem to have no trouble traveling longer distances to a call than the Eastern. Texas has a bundle of birds take your blind and bow and stack em up!
A turkey is a turkey is a turkey, they can all make you look silly.

[/ QUOTE ] Ain't that the truth... and with moosehumper it's probably easier for them yet.
How many times have I told you to respect your elders!!!!

Besides that, who was 2 fer 2 on those pea brained things last year..........huhhhhhhhhh.
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