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death from above
Monday night Echo Valley Archers and Clayton County Archers finally had their long awaited showdown. TurkeyRiver was gracious enough to have some of us out to the infamous "stabbin cabin" that Bonker has made an Urban Legend. After a long and seemingly never ending windy level B road, dodging cattle and other strange Clayton county creatures we had arrived. JakeWym and myself talked on the way in about the possibility of being sacrificed that night out in the hills of Arkansas......... I mean Clayton county. Once we arrived the conversation of 250" bucks running those hills, and men that could drill a 10 acre food plot in with nothing more than their hands flowed like diarrhea after a Taco Bell value pack. Once the chest pounding was over, TurkeyRiver took us on a walkabout that would put Crocodile Dundee to shame. We traversed every hill and canyon for a 10 mile radius with no water and minimal amounts of Busch Light. We thought for a moment that we would never see our loved ones again, but TR came through and before long we could see the glow of a campfire. We were half starved and parched from lack of fluids so TR was kind enough to cook us some kind of meat that he had for sure killed with his hands earlier that day. We had learned not to ask questions as he is towering, intimidating man that could snap your neck just by snapping his fingers. We then proceeding to drink ridiculous amounts of barley pop until people were hitting the ground left and right. As was forseen by all, Turkeyriver was the last man standing and shook off the boos like it was a knat.

Thanks Daryl for the hospitality and not sacrificing Travis, Milo, and myself. We had a blast and need to do it again sometime!


Last man standing........or sitting I guess!

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I think we have a storyteller to rival the Bonker in our midst!! Actually a pretty accurate portrayal of the evening, Glad us hill people could show you flatlanders from the western plains a good time. Can't believe those pics turned out that good!! When Milo hit the ground he left a crater that I'm sure will be mistaken for a meteor hit by some future archaeologist.:drink2:
Good stuff Scott. Thanks again Daryl...that was a good time. Awesome place up there. Just glad you weren't playing a banjo when we got there! :D
Ole TR can't play the banjo but he sure likes squeeelin like a pig.

I think my liver is happier that I didn't go. Lefty, on the other hand, is sadder.

PS: Did you have the, uh, courage to tell the teddybear joke?
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Sounds like "sour grapes" Bonks. That could have been you on the ground.:moon:

Yeah, it coulda, but being the round mound that I am I'da rolled down the hill and drowned face down in the crick.

I tell ya what I think happened because I have been around that particular fire pit with a bunch of the guys you hang with, scholars and philosophers all. Judging by the sky behind the cedar trees you guys were discussing the three distinct phases of twilight. You all agreed that civil twilight began when the center of the disc of the sun was 6 degrees below the earth’s visible horizon, that nautical twilight began when the center of the disc of the sun was 12 degrees below the earth’s visible horizon and that astronomical twilight began when the center of the disc of the sun is 18 degrees below the earth’s visible horizon. Then things started to get ugly. Nobody could agree on how long it took for the earth to rotate the 6 degrees for each phase of twilight therefore defining how long each phase lasted before fading into the next. Sign, cosign, integers and tangents were tossed back and forth like taunts and insults at an Iowa/Iowa State football game. Then it got really really ugly when everybody was expounding on the difference between a sidereal day and a solar day. Finally Milo had a brain cramp from thikin so hard that he passed out. In the end the only thing everyone could agree on: “It’s dark”. It was a good thing Milo had that brain cramp and passed out because he would have argued that “dark” is a relative thing depending on the phase of the moon, the wet bulb reading and the parallax caused by the earth’s atmosphere.

All those empty beer cans were left by some no good trespassers cause I know for a fact that the Stabbin Cabin is as dry as grandma’s pussy. Poor cat, grandma has Alzheimer’s and keeps forgetting to give the kitty any water.
In the second picture Daryl is trying to explain the theory of evolution and was telling us that he is a dyslexic, agnostic with insomnia and often wakes in the middle of the night wondering if there really is a DOG!

I've been meaning to get over and water your grandmas pussy for her Bonker. That poor thing needs some lovin sometimes.
OK, you guys need to lay off that mezcal. dedgeez, don't you have some pics to post off the 117 trailcams you have scattered over 4 counties?
OK, you guys need to lay off that mezcal. dedgeez, don't you have some pics to post off the 117 trailcams you have scattered over 4 counties?

Bonks and I were gonna go to rehab this week with Amy Whinehouse, but......... I guess thats not gonna work out so well now :rolleyes:

I would love to post pics from my cams, but I can't remember where I put the damn things! Oh well, I guess you guys don't get to see pics of that 250" typical 8 point that is running around on the North 4 acres. Man, he's a good one!
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