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Robbing ME


PMA Member
Does anyone know how to get Iowa whitetail to STOP taking money out of my bank account? I am paid through 2019 because they keep taking out my member ship dues. I have email clane@iowawhitetail.com and wrote one cam and it keeps happening.

Thanks Tom
I understand that and I am more then happy to pay my yearly dues. But I am not interested in paying them 3 times a year.
It happened to me a year or two ago, but it was automatically fixed before I could report it. Keep after Chris. I'm sure he'll get it fixed for you.
I have responded to mudingbuck directly via email yet I wanted to take the opportunity to catch everyone else up as well.

First and foremost we are not robbing anyone. We value our members greatly and would never consider such actions period.

We leverage PayPal to process our PMA membership payments to allow for automation and ease of payments for our PMA members. PayPal has had a few confusing points for some in the past yet we have always made it right for our members!

What we have found is when the PayPal subscription service is ready to renew a reminder is sent out and some individuals respond by signing up for another subscription to make payment. This creates duplicate payments.

I will reiterate that we cannot simply take money from someone’s account, individuals must authorized each payment and/or subscription for automatic payments.

Also we cannot cancel PayPal subscriptions only authorized account holders can. On occasion when duplicate subscription holders/payments happen we have it automated to insure the PMA expiration is advanced appropriately. If we identify it we will refund appropriately and insure the individual is notified to cancel the duplicate subscription.

Regardless - we will always make it right with our members.
Does anyone know how to get Iowa whitetail to STOP taking money out of my bank account? I am paid through 2019 because they keep taking out my member ship dues. I have email clane@iowawhitetail.com and wrote one cam and it keeps happening.

Thanks Tom

Sounds to me like IW is run by a bunch of democrats!!
Hunh, who knew? :D

Seriously though, it sucks to have surprise debits hit your account. It would cost a bit (30 bucks?) but it might help to tell your bank to stop payment on that line. It might be cheaper.
Hope you get it worked out.
I mean no disrespect by this post. I have emailed somebody, I wrote you personally on Iowa whitetail, and this is the only way I've been able to get a response. It happened last year I cancelled all three subscriptions on my paypal account and now it's happened twice this year. I checked all my emails and I have not received an email from anyone at Iowa whitetail. And never received notification of automatic withdrawals from my PayPal. I monitor that stuff really close and know I didn't miss it. I didn't make a big deal out of it last year because I didn't mind being paid a couple years in advance but now it happened again and now i am paid through 2019. I think in order to make it right I should receive a refund of the last two installments that was taken from my PayPal account .
Thanks for your time
Mistakes happen ALL THE TIME in any area of business. I know the folks that run the site and they will make it right and I'm 110% sure they didn't do anything purposely. Straight shooting guys. Heck, I owed the owner of the site some $ and I did a billpay check that he never received and that was all on me, he was understanding and we got it figured out. Mistakes happen all the time but I assure you, great site, great people and no one is getting rich taking from accounts. The funds really just keep the site up and running & any mistake will be rectified by folks with integrity.
Tom - I replied to your email prior 8am this morning. Sorry you didn't receive it ... Essentially I stated we would refund at your request.

I want to clarify again - we do not initiate or pull funds from anyone's accounts. PayPal is provided to our members so they can self manage their subscriptions and payments for PMA memberships. This is not the first time a member has signed up for multiple subscriptions or the last ... Regardless we will make it right.

Sent from my iPhone using IW
I'm confused. Mudingbuck are you signing up for multiple subscriptions?

Sounds like they are taking the money out without you doing anything.

I hope you get your money refunded.
This is most likely a Paypal thing set up and approved by the user. A paid subscription with auto pay. This is most likely not an Iowawhitetail issue.

Log in to your Paypal account.
My Settings.
My Money.
My Preapproved Payments.

You will most likely find and be able to resolve the issue there. Good luck!
PS - You might find that you subscribed once, then went to pay the next year, and the next. Next thing you know, you have 2 or 3 autopay subscriptions, all approved by you (yes, I speak from experience).
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