Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Robin Hood


Active Member
My brother in-law and I went to Oneota Outfitters in Decorah on Saturday to do some shooting. We did the Techno hunt game then moved to the range. My first round all five arrows landed in the 6 in circle. My second round the first two hit the 6 in mark, 3rd and 4th landed in the small 2in circle one on top of the next. I don’t know how often this happens but I am pumped about it.

nothing wrong with that, unfortunately being that good gets expensive!
I've never had one stick right in the other but I've had a few glance off eachother. It's sorta cool but I'd rather save the money lol
Congrats! Ok you did it once. Time to start aiming at different spots on the target. :) It gets expensive when you start doing it alot.

Edited to add: Not that I would know, but thats what the professionals say lol
At first I saw the title Robin Hood and I thought it was a post about Obama. Anyway, that is one great shot!
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