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Robinson arrested for possession!

Who needs him, the way Coker played last night with Rodgers coming back plus 2 other good recruits we'll be fine. Our quaterback and defensive line situation however, I guess we'll see...
I am willing to be patient with Vandenberg out of SE Iowa. Gotta a kick of of KF last night during the post game when he described Coker as a "great kid, even better off the field". Just a slight hint of a jab towards some of the others on the team that I am sure have been a huge dissappointment for him from a leadership perspective.
Marcus Coker is the man and Vandenberg will do good. But did anyone think it was bull that KF didnt let Stanzi score the last touchdown to end it for him.
Oooops...i better correct...Go Drugeyes:D

Pretty sure I heard all the clown fans crying all the way over here in Indiana when they saw Coker run all over the place last night, and knowing they have to try to stop him for the next 3 years. Just another IA running back that will ensure the clowns end there season in November again next year, and the year after.

Just gotta ask, do you ever get sick of being the same old sorry ass clowns?

What is even funnier is that Rick Stanzi has now won as many bowl games as ISU has in their 118 year history!! USA, USA, USA. Silly Clowns. There is nothing wrong in Iowa City. The problem players are no longer on the team.
What is even funnier is that Rick Stanzi has now won as many bowl games as ISU has in their 118 year history!! USA, USA, USA. Silly Clowns. There is nothing wrong in Iowa City. The problem players are no longer on the team.

Yeah, Stanzi had a real stellar game! :rolleyes:
Now I see why they had to put that artificial turf in last year...they smoked all the grass.

Die hard Hawkeye fan here. Just had to say it anyway. :D
The Hawkeyes owe a big thank you to Mizz's Qb and does anyone really think that a professor would really fail the state's star player get real why does everyone bash ISU come on we all live in the same state only difference is ISU doesn't pay there coach 3 million a year
The Hawkeyes owe a big thank you to Mizz's Qb and does anyone really think that a professor would really fail the state's star player get real why does everyone bash ISU come on we all live in the same state only difference is ISU doesn't pay there coach 3 million a year

Thats why ISU has a new coach every 2 or 3 years. Once they have a good season that coach jumps ship to a school that is willing to accept and pay for a winning coach. For example ISU quarterback Arnoud had three different coaches in his 5 years at ISU. You cannot and will not have a good winning football program with a turnover rate like that for coaches. Invest in a good and the program will follow.
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