P.T. Barnum use to send an elephant and a few clowns into his next town to generate publicity....local newpaper would send a reporter out to cover the sight, kids would all follow the elephant and before you knew it everyone was aware the circus was coming to town.
Whether Rompola's deer is real or not, the publicity generated will insure his deer has a unique place in history...."the most controversial deer of all time". Perhaps as famous as the Jordan, Breen, Raveling, or any other...only for a different reason. Legitimacy will never have to be proved, people will gather to gawk and speculate as to it's authenticity. Television specials and books will investigate the "The Rompola Deer Mystery", maybe even a cheesy movie. Rompola Gate is to deer hunting what the grassy knoll is to JFK conspiracy theorists.
Controversy not facts sell books, magazines and newspapers. Follow the money...ask yourself who benefits and how much can be made by keeping the controversy going? P.T. Barnum couldn't have done a better job of creating publicity for such an attraction.