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I might have missed it if it was already discussed on here. Did anyone else see the article on the Rompola buck in Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine? Just wanted to hear thoughts on this. Am I the only one who thinks this buck is probably legit? Hard to believe it's been five years already.

I am going to be in Rompola's hometown in August. I would love to walk up to his house and just ask him to let me lay eyes on this thing. Think I would get shot for asking? I just want to say I actually saw the largest typical the good Earth ever produced.
there was a post dealing with this subject a few months ago i think. i thought it was fake until i read the article and now i'm not so sure. either way it's a great deer or one helluva big fake set!! the man has shot some monster deer in his life that is for sure and for certain.
At first looking at pic .it looked a bit funny with nobs on the top part of the skull. Like the skull plate hand been broken to add width for the pic, but after reading the articles and the guys personality profile just might have the real thing?
I kinda think Rompola is a little off-balance but the buck is legit. I'd love to just see the buck, and I'd probably offer Rompola a grand or so just to teach me first hand how he kills these big bucks almost at will. I bet he knows some things that just aren't common knowledge.

As a former professional trapper, I would give personal instructions at $250 per day and teach others how I trapped. I had a good number of people take me up on it during the 80's and early 90's, and looking back I think I was giving the info away way too cheap since it took me so much effort to gain the knowledge. Anyone ever hear of a top trophy whitetail hunter doing something similar?
At first I had the same thoughts of the buck being fake. Then I read a article and listened to the other side of the story. I started to think more and more that the buck is legit. I now see how things like that can get outta hand with all the rumors. Look at the Albia buck scenerio. Things went around about that thing since day one. Thank god Iowa whitetail got the real story. As a matter of fact there is a buck in one of the monster bucks video that is the same size if not bigger than the Rompola buck. Hopefully one of these day's Rompola will come foward and settle the argument once and for all. Then again we may never know.
Rompola has something to hide....why else would anyone turn down $10,000 to have the rack X-Rayed?....can't be because he's independently wealthy, seem to recall he was busted for food stamp fraud some years ago....not exactly a candidate for honesty and integrity.
He actually turned down $20,000 and it's a little more complicated than just having the rack x-rayed. I can understand why he did it, to him the money means nothing. He just wants to hunt big bucks 24/7/365. I can see why he is sick of everything that has to do with this buck, he definitely has something to hide: himself, he just wants to be left alone.

Like I said, I think he is a little off-balance, but I am becoming more and more convinced that the buck is legit. Hopefully someday everyone will know. Right now as far as I'm concerned, there are multiple eyewitnesses and three official scorers who scored it as the largest typical ever scored so it's the world record until someone proves it wrong. It is listed and verified in other record books besideds the B&C. The B&C club is not God. How's that for going out on a limb?

Here's another thing to think about. Rompola's beef is with B&C not P&Y. What if the P&Y changed their let-off regs to 80%? That should stir some things up a little!!!!

The Rompola buck story is not over, not by a longshot.
Quote Iowa 1: "I can understand why he did it, to him the money means nothing."

Iowa 1, the statement about money meaning nothing to Rompola, did that come from Rompola or is that your opinion? Seems to me that if money means nothing to him one could only guess that his conviction on food stamp fraud was done for other reasons too.

To portray him as a lonely sportsman only interested in the personal challenge of hunting big deer takes a stretch of the imagination...for a guy wanting to be left alone, his behavior says something completely different. How many loners go out of their way to video tape the hunt, do numerous print interviews, create a web site and begin marketing merchandise touting the new world record? He did all this then quitely shelved it. Odd behavior wouldn't you say?

After viewing the video tape of the downed deer, I think it probably is real. Rumors still pursist that it was pen raised. I don't think he had his story down well enough to stand the scrutiny, authenticity, and verification a World Record would be subjected to.
Your getting sucked in.
Try to recall all the FACTS that point to it being faked. None have been addressed. I think his quest to kill the biggest one caused an error in his judgement. He faked it. Prove me wrong and I will be the first to say I was. I'm very confident I'm not.
Look people have pulled off much bigger hoaxes than that and passed the litmis test. When he saw the impending doom he went under cover with the hermit ploy.
I can't get past the width of the pedicals. or was it part elk? common!
I just don't see how there can be 3 official's from P&Y score it and it is legit to them. However when B&C wants to score it and he (Rompola)say's no.... then the buck is a fake. Like I said earlier, in one of the monster buck videos there is a buck they call heart attack in there. It is VERY similar to the Rompola buck. I'm not going to say the buck is real or fake. I think that for the sake of hunters around the world he should come forward and tell everyone the truth. Could you imagine the controversy it would cause.
his conviction on food stamp fraud

I understand that he was fired from the postal service for taking a package of food stamps out of someone's mailbox. It was not food stamp fraud and I'm not even sure that any charges were filed. I really don't know the whole story and it really means nothing because there is no way you can draw a connection between food stamps and arrowing the world record whitetail.

video tape the hunt, do numerous print interviews, create a web site and begin marketing merchandise touting the new world record?

He videotapes EVERYTHING. Videotaping this hunt was just continuation of a pattern. The interviews were from newspapers and magazines calling him. He did nothing to seek them out. He knew they would be coming. After all, he just shot a new world record. What he did not anticipate was the firestorm of controversy over the legitimacy of it. That's what crushed him. Everyone tried to tear him to shreds without even knowing him. As far as him making a website that sells merchandise touting the world record, that is a myth. Someone else tried to capitalize on the situation by capturing the photo that was widely circulated on the internet. Probably knowing they would be sued, but hoping to make a killing before Rompola caught up with them. As far as I know he doesn't even own a computer.

"I just don't see how there can be 3 official's from P&Y score it and it is legit to them. However when B&C wants to score it and he (Rompola)say's no "

AS far as I know no P&Y scorers have scored it. It was scored by three B&C scorers and it surpassed the current world record. Rompola has simply not entered it in B&C which he has said he never intended to. He has some beef with B&C, he used to be active in B&C and was an official scorer, but he's angry att he club about something and has refused to enter any of his many B&C class bucks since them. He has not said that he will never enter it in P&Y, but his bow has an 80% let-off. If P&Y changed their let-off rules, I think we would see a different side of this story altogether.
Iowa1, I agree with your theory on Rompola. I also agree that B&C is not God. I personally like how Buckmasters Trophey Regestery (BTR) scores. I would be up for a change in scoring systems.
He went home and got the camera and recorded the "recovery" not the hunt.

If it was'nt Food Stamp fraud, then it was ONLY THEFT!

One or more of the three scorers were his Kronies.

His beef with B&C is his beef, not B&C's.

The skull plate has not been examined.
The rack shows sign of "purpeling".
The ear butts appeared severed.
The pedicals are more than a inch wider than ANY other buck.
I actually hope I'm wrong. But I won't let my judgement rest on the writings of some deer rag story writer that has chosen to embrace him for thatever reason. I'll take a big helping of facts please.
"I'll take a big helping of facts please."

I do not want to position myself as someone who is defending a person I do not even know, but my intent is to make people look objectively at this situation, and please remember that a person is PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Okay here are some facts you asked for:
He had the video camera in his truck and went back to get it before he videoed the recovery of the deer.

He has killed as many as six legitimate B&C bucks with a bow. He currently holds the Michigan State Record bowkill typical. He simply doesn't care about publicity for himself and doesn't even care if his new state record is bigger than the one he already has. If someone beats his state record, he will enter the 216 as the new state record. Why? Who can figure this guy out I don't know but that is his reasoning.

He was very active in B&C and trained many B&C scorers. The three official B&C scorers who scored the rack happened to be people that he actually trained. You can read whatever you want (or nothing) into that one. They are official B&C scorers and have submitted an official scoring report to B&C of the scoring, which B&C has accepted. It is simply up to Mitch to enter the buck which he will not and has been consistent in that. He has not entered any of the B&C bucks he has shot since either.

"The skull plate has not been examined."
Dozens of people examined the skullplate including conservation officers, reporters and official scorers. One of the biggest myths of all is that the skullplate has not been examined.

Please make a connection between Food Stamps and this buck. Should we disallow all whitetails harvested by anyone who has committed a misdemeanor? Ever had a check bounce? This is one of the most ridiculous of all the arguments against him.

"The rack shows sign of "purpeling"."
Not sure where you are going with this but it is obvious that the rack is not a reproduction, no one is arguing that anymore. Pretty much everyone at least agrees that it was a true set of antlers.

"The ear butts appeared severed."
Dozens of people saw the buck before it was skinned. The ears are wider and postioned lower because the buck spent much of his life with a huge rack forcing them downward. Once again, no one is really arguing anymore that the cape or the rack are not original equipment. The argument centers around whether the buck was truly a wild deer. There's little doubt that the buck actually grew those antlers.

"The pedicals are more than a inch wider than ANY other buck."
Heelllooooo... the buck scores over 216 man! I think it's reasonable to assume that the world record would have some measurements that would set him apart from the others.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here. I have nothing to gain or lose. Just trying to make people think. It really bugs me that so many people have convicted this guy without a trial.
Larry Huffman was a big detractor of Mitch after he first got the deer and wrote an article discussing why the rack had to be a fake.

Two of his biggest arguements were:
1) that the deer had been taken from an area that doesn't typically produce trophy deer, so therefore, its unlikely Mitch could harvest a WR there.


2) the droopy ears were proof that the cape from a large deer had been sewed around the rack.

Both arguements are extremely weak. Large deer are frequently harvested from areas previously not known for taking large deer. It happened a few years ago here in Wisconsin, where the state's all-time #2 typical (which is now second only to the Jordan Buck, which was the WR for decades) was taken in Kenosha County. As for the droopy ears, take a look at the trophy photos right here on this site. Probably 30% of all photos have deer that have just as droopy of ears as the Rompola Buck. I have a photo of one of my trophies that does that.

Anyway, when someone tries to put such flimsy statements up as evidence, one has to wonder just what axe they are trying to grind.

The bottom line is that as bowhunters, we generally take to the woods alone. The solitary nature of our whitetail pursuits means that all experiences we each have afield are unique only to us. And the world must rely on our word to know the whole truth. I for one hope that my word of what happened to me while hunting is accepted, and for that, I generally take another man's word for it.

I'm not saying its not appropriate to question something when things don't add up, but to rip down a man's claims with unsubstantiated evidence is just plain wrong.

There are lessons to be learned from the Mitch Rompola story. They can be broken into two parts. First, if you are a man of character and your actions in all your pursuits reflect that, people will respect you and accept your claims much more easily. And second, I have to say that I personally gained some knowledge about hunting big bucks from reading the story about how Mitch bagged this big buck. That knowledge helped me take a few dandies myself. So the bottom line for me was not "is this buck real or not" (I tend to give the man the benefit of the doubt and say it is), but what could I take from this story to help improve me in my life.

Life is about improving ourselves and growing. I for one can say I'm better off from hearing about Mr. Rompola, and for that, I am grateful.
P.T. Barnum once sent an elephant and a few clowns into his next town to generate publicity....local newpaper would dispatch a reporter to cover the sight, kids would follow the elephant and before you knew it everyone was aware the circus was coming to town.

Doesn't matter whether Rompola's deer is real or not, the publicity generated will insure his deer has a unique place in history...."the most controversial deer of all time". Perhaps as famous as the Jordan, Breen, Raveling, or any other...only for a different reason. Legitimacy will never have to be proven, people will gather to gawk and speculate as to it's authenticity. Television specials and books will investigate the "The Rompola Deer Mystery", maybe even a cheesy movie. Rompola Gate, is to deer hunting what the grassy knoll is to JFK conspiracy theorists.

Controversy, not facts sell books, magazines and newspapers. Follow the money...ask yourself who benefits and how much can be made by keeping the controversy going? P.T. Barnum couldn't have done a better job of creating publicity for such an attraction.

Rompola has a criminal record, that in itself speaks of his character. His checkered past will raise doubts as to his honesty and truthfullness. Speculation is that he doesn't want his past scrapes with the law scutinized, this may be why he won't have the rack inspected.

Here are some additional links to the Rompola story....the best article I've read on the Rompola story is by Gordon Whittington concerning fakes. Here is a link to the article...




Here is a copy of the agreement Rompola signed with Milo Hanson, enjoy....


Sorry, I don't believe every thing outdoor writers profess.

The pedicals are not even close to close to the width of any other deer that is close in rack size.

I don't by the droopy ear thing about the rack being in the way either.

It would have to be a freak. Kind of like "Andra the Giant" was as a human.
I'm not saying it's impossible, I'ts quite possible, but the burdin of proof lies on Rumpola. So it's not a matter of convicting an innocent man. I don't feel it's unfair to speculate on it's truthfulness by applying his questionable past. It's done to everyone running for public office. Milo Hanson is more widely known than most Senators.
This crazy situation was created by Rompola and as a result ever hunter that has killed a huge deer from that day forward is met with the same suspicion and doubt Mitch created for himself. Have you seen all the "it's a fake" stuff getting tossed around in other state about the "Albia" buck. I feel the situation Rompola created caused much of this. Perhaps that and as I recall, the first people to speak ill of him were people who know and live near him. That speaks volumes to me. He has done more damage to trophy deer hunting than good and I don't care for him because of it. If he kills one tomorrow twice as big it will mean nothing to me. The damage is done. He has the opprotunity to correct it but will not. So I have no use for him. Do the right thing. Until then I'll assume it can't be done due to the rack being a fake or his character being worse.
Call it character assasination all you want, but he shot himself in the foot.
Being from Michigan, when I seen the name Rompola, I just thought to myself, "Oh no. Not here too." Michigan hunters are so tired of the Rompola debate. It's like when you were a kid, and you first heard Santa Claus wasn't real. You're devastated, and you want like crazy for him to be real. But eventually, the facts pile up, and you have to come to the realization that your wishes fell on deaf ears. There are so many questions on either side of the debate that have not been answered. No one will ever know the validity of Rompola's kill. It is unfortunate. We Michigander's would like to take credit for having the largest buck in the world! A little advice to the person who said they wanted to stop by Rompola's house. DON'T !! He lives a very solitary life, and enjoys it that way. He does not like to be around people.

We actually have titled the Rompola debate the Rompolagate. It's a scandal here.
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