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Round-up Timing:?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I want to kill off a future food plot, but soonest I can get to it is Friday evening. I used to think a good kill required 24 hr no rain. There is rain threatening all weekend. I bought a jug of roundup like killer,,forget the name,,but from Golden Furrow. Some of the same stuff says it is good in only 12 hrs. What do you guys think? It was so dry,,hard to frown at the rain.
I sprayed some fescue last fall right before a rain, actually it was sprinkling, I used a surfactant to help the herbicide stick, still got a good kill, sometimes you just have to chance it
Four or five hours prior to significant rain has been very adequate for me with glyphosate. Personally, I think time prior to rain is over-rated while temperature at time of application is under-rated. Temps of 50 degrees or less has been more of an impediment to efficacy than rain a few hours after application.
Local CoOp told me that they want at least an hour before rain, better is longer.

I'm guessing amount of rain probably matters as well, sprinkle vs. deluge.
Temperature and sun help a lot. If you can get the planted coated while its sunny and warm it will absorb the spray fairly quick.
Four or five hours prior to significant rain has been very adequate for me with glyphosate. Personally, I think time prior to rain is over-rated while temperature at time of application is under-rated. Temps of 50 degrees or less has been more of an impediment to efficacy than rain a few hours after application.

I don't have enough experience and careful observations to say for sure myself, but with what I do know, I tend to agree with this. I was more concerned with time before the rain, but I am now leaning towards being skeptical about spraying when it is cool...at least in the spring.

Fall seems like a far better time to get a good kill, all else equal, than spring in my experience. But I think if you had warm temps and only 1 hour before a rain v. cool temps and no rain, I think you might be better off with the short time before rain and warmer temps.
When it is cool like this, the kill will not be as fast/effective. The plant is shut down and not taking much in.

We havent done any burndown in soybean fields for the last few days due to this. The hour statement is a pretty good one. Basically if the spray drys on the leaf, you should be good to go.
Believe it or not, I got a good spraying Sunday afternoon,,between deluges. Sun was out for 3 hrs before the next rain and temps in the 70s,,we shall see what happened.
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