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Rumor about the Lovstuen buck???



Well every since The Buck was shot I've heard hunters EVERY WHERE talk about this deer. Sometimes the facts weren't always straight either. With me knowing a lot of facts about The Buck from IowaWhitetail, I would jump into conversations where other people were saying false facts about the deer, Tony and the family. And even after The Buck was killed a few months ago there are still false facts floating around.
But latley there is this rumor going around about the IDNR taking The Buck away because they think Tonys father had shot it. I've heard this from a few other people, even a that the father shot The Buck with a high power rifle.
Can some one help me out here? Is this true or not?

thanks jason
This is probably the biggest and most wide spread rumor out there.

Yes it is a Rumor

I've actually tracked this rumor as it originated in the Albia area about 2 months ago and it seams to have spread like wildfire. Since this time the Rack has been on public display, the rack has been officially scored and officials of the DNR have been commenting positively about buck and harvest.
It seems now that any time anyone shoots a monster that people are spreading rumors. I wonder if this is because of the few people that have done wrong things to get their deer? Or is it because people are jealous and love spreading rumors. Once a story gets started it sure gets turned around and changed in a hurry...........

Don K,

The sad fact of the matter is that it is apparently human nature for some people to put down those who accomplish something we haven't beeen able to do. It is very common for rumors to start when someone gets a really big buck.

Fortunately I was informed before I got lucky and got my big NT in 2000 and took preventive action. I recommend anyone else getting a big buck do what I did. First of all make sure you always hunt completely legally. This is good policy whether you think you will ever take a big buck or not. I figure if I can't get him fair and square that is fine. It is about the hunt not the killing. If you are out there for the experience, not for an ego trip you will enjoy it a whole lot more.

Second if you do get a really big buck call your local CO and request that he/she comes out and inspects the entire situation. I hate to put this additional burden on our COs but unfortunately it is the best thing I know of to head off the rumor mill. Then every time you do an interview on the hunt when you got the big buck ask the writer to include in the story the recommendation I just gave, ("If you are ever lucky enough to take a really big buck call your CO...."). That way anyone reading the story and dreaming up all the things they think you must have done illegally to kill a big buck get shot out of the water when they come to your advice at the end of the story.

Here is my advice to all involved in the rumor starting or rumor spreading business. If you have facts, pass them on to your CO or call the TIP line. If you hear a rumor don't pass it on. It certainly doesn't do anything to improve the image of hunters in the eyes of the 80% of the voting public who don't hunt.

My 2 cents worth....
Old Buck
Excellent advice there. I have a good friend thats a CO and have his home number. If I ever get the chance to harvest a big one i will give him a call.
I never even thought of that.
Honestly I was a little skeptical at first when I read the article in North American Whitetail, but now thinkin about it how can you be mad at someone that has the opportunity to take the biggest deer ever shot by a hunter...I mean think about it..there's always going to be people out there that are jealous but those are the people that sit on there ass and don't do a damn thing until hunting season comes around, and then they wonder why they don't have the success that the people that put time into hunting do...I was really impressed with the way the basically kept this buck alive, and away from poachers by using trail cams...it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to do somethin as amazing as Tony and his realatives have accomplished...I'm happy for the kid...but all I know is he's done hunting for the rest of his life...what more does he have to look for, he's got the biggest out there...

Old Buck,

Well said. The trouble is that there were a lot of rumors that were being passed around by some CO that talked to other CO's close to the action. I say congratulations to Tony on shooting the buck. I remember when I heard about the buck I told some people that I would be happy to shoot one half that size with my bow, well as luck would have it I shot a ten pointer that an official scorer green scored at 176.

With all that said there are a lot of things that make you scratch your head with this deer. I could list some of those but it wouldn't make me any better than some of the rumor starters. I will ask one question that I do not know the answer too, was there ever a field picture taken of the kill? If there was I haven't seen it.

On a whole different subject Old Buck, sometime I will come to see you I have some video of some monster bucks that came from land in your area.

Must Hunt,

I'd love to see the video. I never get tired of watching buck videos, especially 'monster bucks'. There is always something to learn about these fascinating creatures and video is such a great way of sharing observations. If I had to pick between carrying a bow and carrying the video I think the bow would get rather dusty. It is hard to beat showing your fellow whitetail aficionados what you saw rather that telling them what you saw. Congratulations on the 10 pt! Sounds like a great buck. Be sure to bring pictures (or the rack!) when you bring the video.

Also I appreciate your discretion concerning the Lovstuen buck. A lot more of the story will be coming out and I want to respect the wishes of those involved and not 'spill the beans'. Many questions will be answered in good time. Sometimes it is best to just sit back and let things unfold rather than rush into making premature judgments.

Good Hunting!
Old Buck
Must Hunt,
There is an article in the winter '04 issue of Outdoor Life about the Lovstuen Buck with a sidebar interview with Larry Huffman, and he stated that he "heard" there are no field photos. My camera would have been in meltdown mode with a buck like that.
I just have 2 quick comments...

I would hope that the kid is not done hunting. If your only reason for hunting is to get a world class buck, then maybe you're not out there for all the right reasons. Also, you're going to meet with a lot of dissapointment...Tony has a lifetime of hunting memeories yet to experience.

Also, does anyone know if they got the kill on video? With 2 adults in the blind, I assume that they did?
no video. one guy was just sitting there watching and the dad was trying to take a nap.
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