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Rumor of New Lake


Active Member
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone has heard any rumors of the DNR planning a new lake just south of Columbus Junction in Louisa County? The talk of the neighborhood is it will be going right through my Grandpa's farm. It's probably all just talk but was just wondering. It would definitely suck if it did, but it would be one heck of a lake!!
hmm.. I haven't heard anything, but, if it was, wouldn't your gpa know something about it by now? How far south of Jnct? By Columbus City?
My grandpa lives about an hour away and isn't around there much. He just went back to look at the crops and that is what the neighborhood folks were saying. They claimed the DNR was looking to build a huge lake and that it would most likely run up into his farm if they built it where they thought they would. Who knows maybe its a joke. Its about 7 miles south of columbus city. Anywhere from the bridge where long creek goes through just below the DNRs log home to the next bridge by spring run racetrack.
I have heard one person tell me that about 6 months ago. Although they had no details at all about where it would be at.

It would be nice to have a new lake around but i would definately feel for you and your granfather. Losing land is not fun.

I live in Muscatine.
Interesting talk for sure. Makes me wonder where they get the money for a huge undertaking like this if the state budget is as bad as it's made out to be.
Wow... You I just cant fatham the idea of the DNR "making" a lake. You gotta remember Im a MN kid, but on the plus side maybe if it did happen he would own lake shore. Lot that off, sell it, turn $$ and buy something else? Up here a few lots of lake shore would be worth alot more than quite a few acres of hunting ground.
Who knows if it's true guys. I just thought I would see if anyone was in "The Know". We have said for years we should make this place into a lake because it would probably be 100 acres just on my grandpas and 75-100ft deep depending on how much money was put into it. If they expanded it to all the surrounding properties it could be at least a 1000 acres. Who knows maybe everyone is just messing around.
311 most of the lakes in Iowa are built by the DNR. The vast majority of lakes in the state are publicly funded projects owned by the DNR. They buy the land and build a dam and then you have a reservoir. They are surrounded by public land and it is mostly public hunting land. I believe there are around 150 of these reservoirs, some are owned by county conservation boards or other entities, but most by the DNR. There are also four major federal reservoirs in the state.
I highly doubt this is going to happen with all the budget cuts. But this could be something they are looking at for a future project I dont know. The best thing you can do is call you local biologist and inquire about it and see if there is any talk of it before everyone in the area gets worked up in a frenzy. Contrary to belief the DNR does not try and pull the wool over peoples eyes and do things without people know. The simple fact is that more times then not there is a public meeting and no one shows up then when the project is ready to break ground there is an uproar. Not saying this is the case here, just on other projects that I have seen. Your local fisheries biologist that would be handling this is out of Fairport and his name is Bernie Schonhoff and his # is 563-263-5062. I encourage you to give him a call and see what he has to say.
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