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Rut Trail cam ghosts or possibility ?


Active Member
I got a buck on trail camera tonight that I've never seen and is one of the largest deer I've had on camera. Usually this happens to me in the summer and then the buck dissapears. Do I have a chance at him or will he too disappear like the velvet bucks of the summer? He was on camera at 5 am and is the only picture I got over a 2 week soak. One might say I'm a little excited.:D

Hard saying. If there are lots of does around he will probably be around awhile. He's looking for love, if he doesn't find any in your area he'll keep moving.
Good chance he's in the area I see bucks all the time I don't get on trail camera and vice versa. Then again there's bucks you get on every trail camera every time and see them like clockwork.
Some other guy probably has pictures of that same buck from all summer long and is saying, "I just don't know where he disappeared to"! :)
Hopefully he stays around & you get a chance at him!
I'm usually one of the guys that loses all his summer bucks(I know where they go, just can't hunt that piece), and as rut gets closer I have bucks appear that actually live on the farm. I do have one exception and that is when checking cams some years back and I get a picture of the biggest buck I've ever had on trail camera. One picture, never to be seen again. Neighbor harvested him late muzzleloader when a field of corn never got harvested and attracted deer from all over. Never did figure out where he came from or where his sanctuary was. I guess the point is some stick around and some just happened to be on a long walk.
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