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Ruttn' Buck Picture From 2002


The Hunt Never Ends....
Here is one of my favorite pictures that I have ever gotten on one of my cameras. This picture was taken in November of 2002. You can easily see by the size of this bucks neck and his ears laid back that he is ready to kick some A$$. I can't wait for November to get here! I found this deer's shed antler in 2001, but since this pic was taken I have no recorded evidence of him. I don't know what happened to him, I know that nobody shot him because nobody else hunts the land where the picture was taken. I know he is most likely dead by now, but I just wonder why I went 3 years without seeing this buck, or getting picuters of him. Who Knows!
That picture is great. I don't know if I can wait for Saturday. I already have driven my wife nuts with non-stop deer talk.
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