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Same Buck?


New Member
So I got these pics on the cam this morning and I have been trying to figure out if these are two different bucks or the same one. They were taken less than an hour apart and I don't know if the split brow is just hidden on the other picture or not. I also think it looks like the right G2 is taller in the picture of the buck walking away. Let me know what you guys think.


I don't think it is the same buck. Look at the G2's on the Right antler. Doesn't the 1st buck appear to have a longer G2??
Appears to be 2 nice ones. In addition to what others have said, the top one has ribs showing and a dull coat where the bottom one has a near perfect coat and a little beefier body. Could just be the angle and the gait the deer was in when moving but when added to other clues on the racks, I'm going with different bucks.
right antler cut off too much in 1st pic to tell crab claw on right would help,has same curve in beams though
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doesn't the 1st buck appear to have a longer G2??

Hey Jared..I would say..Definately two different bucks.
Looks like they are nice 2 year olds.. They will be really nice next year if you can manage to pass them.
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