Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

same tree


Active Member
Shot the first buck from the same tree i shot the second buck from last year. He couldn't resist a little rattling and came in to 15 yards. Wasp jakhammer cut the heart then both lungs on its way to the rest of the goodies. Watched him lay down peacefully within 60 yards.
Great hunt and memories for years to come.
[image]http://C:\Documents and Settings\Amanda\My Documents\My Pictures\2006buck.bmp[/image]
Sorry about the pictures not sure what happened i'll try them again tomorrow any suggestions would be appreciated.
Looks like a good one

That's a pretty buck, good job! Looks like you were hunting on one of my "favorite weather hunting days". There's something about the grey, overcast, drizzling days that make you want to be out!

Looks to be a P&Y, did you get him scored?

Unfortunately that's the buck from last year that has already been in a post and the one from this year didn't upload??? I'll try again later, sorry.
Looks like a good one


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Mo, I think your right! Looks like a record breaker to me! I love those kind of days as well! Congrats on a beautiful buck!!
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