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Scent control suits


the marshall

Howdy everyone,

I have been hearing a lot of talk and reading a lot of articles regarding the effectiveness, or lack there of, of scent control/ elimination suits. It was brought to my attention a few days ago of ScentBlocker brand having a chemical smell. I personally own a Scentblocker brand suit and unfotuneately have taken it for granted that it has been working. Last night after returning from the woods, I "reactivated" my suit in the dryer and when it was complete, took a smell. I did notice a slight odor, but could not determine if if was a "hot" smell from being in the dryer or if it was indeed some sort of chemicl smell. I was wondering if anyone could give me their two "scents" worth. I don't really want to toss away several hundred $, but if it is hurting and not helping it may be an easy decision.
I always reactivate my Scent Blocker garb and then put it on the line, outside, for a couple hrs. I noticed the smell you're talking about too.... but only when the material is hot.

The effectiveness of the scent eliminating clothing on the market is impressive. I can attest to that from experience. The way one of my stands is set up, deer I pass on will eventually walk down wind of me. I had it happen 6 times so far this season in that particular stand. In all cases, the doe's that were directly down wind, continued browsing, as if that bow wielding camo blob in the tree directly up wind of them was not there.

A couple tips on scent suits though. 1) Never spray cover scents on them.... period. The acivated carbon has a finite capacity for captured scent. If you fill it up with cover scents, you are wasting room for your stink! 2) Don't wear your rubber boots over the scent eliminating pants.... wear the pants over the boots, that way the pants can catch scent rising from inside the boot. 3) Cover your head!!! A hunter's mouth and hair are about the nastiest smelling things in the woods. If you do use a head cover( and you should), reacivate it often, it becomes saturated quickly. I actually go to the extreme when it comes to my head.... I shave it for bow season....less hair, less stink. 4) Wear gloves getting into your stand! You can be entirely scentless in the tree and still spook deer on the ground by what you left on the tree steps on the way up.

Don't get rid of your suit! They do work.
I don't have any exact help for you..however i believe i am experiencing the same thing...i don't know yet weather it is hurting or helping...i have had a few deer put their nose to the air, downwind of me this year and get weiry...but you always carry a little human odor with you into the timber no matter how careful you are...Anyway i think that one of my scent blocker garments is producing this odor...the garments that have the removable carbon liner don't give off any detectable odor that i can smell..but my longsleeve shirt that doesent have the removable liner does have a chemical smell that makes me wonder..cuz if i can smell it...i know that the deer can smell it...it is just a matter of weather that particular smell alarms the deer or not...to be honest with you i don't have enough information from the woods this year to know for a fact that it is alarming the deer...but if i see a pattern i'll let you know.
I just purchased the x-scent base layers,(head cover, socks, long sleve shirt, and long under wear). After wearing these for three strait hunts the past few days, they had no hunman odor from what i could tell, and it got up yo 70 degrees in southern iowa yesterday. i really believe these X-scent products work and they are fairly inexspensive. i got the whole set up for 72 dollers on eaglearchery.com. I agree that the human head does stink worse than any other part of the body, so I did buy a scent blocker head cover to double up. I have had alot of deer come from downwind when you don't expect them to. this is a product you might want to check out. Good luck.
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