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Scent Control


Land of the Whitetail
I'm looking for some of the little tricks or things that most hunters don't think of when it comes to scent control. Besides using a scent elimnating spray and playing the wind is there anything else that you do to help control your scent?
One thing that I have done the past couple seasons is a little trick that I picked up while being in my ground blind I built out of brush. I never brought a chair or anthing, I either sat on the ground or stood. I clear all the twigs and leaves and debris out of the way by just sitting on the ground and digging my boot into the ground and pushing it all away. Then just sit there. Well, I noticed that doing that obviously made my clothes smell like dirt and leaves and very 'earthry.' Then I basically just quit washing my hunting clothes, that kept the earth smell. Doin this plus playing the wind and using a scent eliminating spay has allowed me to remain undetected while having deer walk literally within arms lenght of me while in my blind, I shot my buck last year from just 3 yards. So obviously it works well for me, so this year I got the idea of not only storing my hunting clothes in a rubber tote, but I think I'm going to put a little dirt and leaves in the bottum of the tote and thats where I'll store them all season. Has anyone else ever tried this or have any thoughts?:way:
I'm looking for some of the little tricks or things that most hunters don't think of when it comes to scent control. Besides using a scent elimnating spray and playing the wind is there anything else that you do to help control your scent?
One thing that I have done the past couple seasons is a little trick that I picked up while being in my ground blind I built out of brush. I never brought a chair or anthing, I either sat on the ground or stood. I clear all the twigs and leaves and debris out of the way by just sitting on the ground and digging my boot into the ground and pushing it all away. Then just sit there. Well, I noticed that doing that obviously made my clothes smell like dirt and leaves and very 'earthry.' Then I basically just quit washing my hunting clothes, that kept the earth smell. Doin this plus playing the wind and using a scent eliminating spay has allowed me to remain undetected while having deer walk literally within arms lenght of me while in my blind, I shot my buck last year from just 3 yards. So obviously it works well for me, so this year I got the idea of not only storing my hunting clothes in a rubber tote, but I think I'm going to put a little dirt and leaves in the bottum of the tote and thats where I'll store them all season. Has anyone else ever tried this or have any thoughts?:way:

The tote with leaves and sticks etc. is what I do every year. i think it works great! Clothes always smell like outside when I take them out and put them on. Another idea I've used is (if given the right situation) walking through cow pies. Makes your boots kinda gross obviously, but it is a great natural smelling cover-up.
Sounds like you have it dialed in if they are getting that close. I just do the standard Wash clothes in scent eliminating detergent, shower in scent eliminating soap, store my clothes in a rubbermaid tub with earth scent waffers inside, put them on when I get to my hunting spot, then spray down with more scent elim spray. Hang a couple earth scent wafers off my had and coat and go hunting. I also spray coon pee on the tree above my head when I get in the stand. Seems to be working. I didn't see any deer wind me, but it's the deer I don't see that I'm worried about if I have it right or not. The deer I'm seeing might just be dumb or something.
I do pretty much what Lyon and Scoffin do, except I also use pine scent wafers in addition to the earth scent ones since I tend to hunt in conifers out here. And instead of cow pies, I step in fresh elk poop and rub handfulls over my gear and clothes. Needless to say, my wife really appreciates it when I change out of my hunting clothes before coming in the house! Actually I change out before getting back into my truck. As much as I actually enjoy the smell of elk pooh, I don't want it all over my truck.
Most people don't stop to think about their wallet or belt leaving scent behind. Your belt may have gotten sweatty at one time and hold that smell so i make sure i have a dedicated hunting belt to use. Your wallet definately has a leather smell to it. I still carry mine but am going to change that this year. But i feel like i should have some kind of identification on me at all times. Anybody got any ideas with that one?
I've always used scent away spray earth scent but this year I'm going to place all my clothes in a container with leaves, stick, dirt, ect. I will put ever thing in it my gloves,socks,face mash, anything your going to wear.

arrow flinger
Most people don't stop to think about their wallet or belt leaving scent behind. Your belt may have gotten sweatty at one time and hold that smell so i make sure i have a dedicated hunting belt to use. Your wallet definately has a leather smell to it. I still carry mine but am going to change that this year. But i feel like i should have some kind of identification on me at all times. Anybody got any ideas with that one?

I wash my belt (its my nylon quick-grab fire belt b/c I don't like leather) in scent control and store it with my hunting clothes. As for my wallet, I generally leave it behind and carry the essentials (ID, insurance card, and tags/licenses) in a zip lock baggy in my pack.
Most people don't stop to think about their wallet or belt leaving scent behind. Your belt may have gotten sweatty at one time and hold that smell so i make sure i have a dedicated hunting belt to use. Your wallet definately has a leather smell to it. I still carry mine but am going to change that this year. But i feel like i should have some kind of identification on me at all times. Anybody got any ideas with that one?

Thats a good idea with the belt, I didn't think of that. I spose just put the essentials from your wallet in your pocket maybe?
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I do all the scent elimation stuff and just leave my clothes hanging outside all season long. I used to keep them in a rubber tote with scent wafers,but after awhile they would get a stale smell to them.
IMO, sprays are a waste of money. I wash my clothes in scent eliminating soap - but baking soda does the same thing. Outside of that, Ozonic's is the only thing that can beat their nose. Otherwise I'd save my $$$ - you'll still get busted as easy using anything and everything else.
Aside from washing/sprays etc. We make sure we have as clear of a lane to and from our stands as possible. That way we leave as little ground sent behind when we are done hunting a setup. This means we'll go in and clear the forest floor of any thing that could touch our pant legs and any thing on the ground. Also makes for a much easier quiet walk in.
IMO, sprays are a waste of money. I wash my clothes in scent eliminating soap - but baking soda does the same thing. Outside of that, Ozonic's is the only thing that can beat their nose. Otherwise I'd save my $$$ - you'll still get busted as easy using anything and everything else.

Personally I'd rather spend the small amount of money on sprays, or waste it in your opinion, than to waste a large amount of money on Ozonics. IMO:D
I learned my lesson a few years back...thought I was scent free with laundry, spray etc and a doe OBVIOUSLY winded me at 30 yards when she walked in down wind...so I figured out I never did the wallet and started leaving it at home just put the liscense and tag etc in my pack.

Then figured out my glasses were covered in human scent too. I mean, they ride on my face and hair by the ear pieces..."doh!"....since then, I've had deer at under 5 yards a few times sitting on the ground with no problem. Just something to keep in mind if you're one of the unlucky ones with 4-eyes...
I had a guy in a Manitoba bear camp prove to me the way!! ...................................... If you can ! Hang your gear outside!! In the wind and all the Outdoor smells that are there!!!!! No chemicals! No store bought stuff!! Hang your stuff in the wind!! :way::way::way:
Except Ozonic's works! Anyone who buys one and doesn't believe it does by the end of the season will get a free Wicked Saw!
Except Ozonic's works! Anyone who buys one and doesn't believe it does by the end of the season will get a free Wicked Saw!

I'm not a fan of ozonics, doesn't seem right to me. Sure using scent eliminating sprays is comparable, but they don't work wonders.
Here we go again.
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