Land of the Whitetail
I'm looking for some of the little tricks or things that most hunters don't think of when it comes to scent control. Besides using a scent elimnating spray and playing the wind is there anything else that you do to help control your scent?
One thing that I have done the past couple seasons is a little trick that I picked up while being in my ground blind I built out of brush. I never brought a chair or anthing, I either sat on the ground or stood. I clear all the twigs and leaves and debris out of the way by just sitting on the ground and digging my boot into the ground and pushing it all away. Then just sit there. Well, I noticed that doing that obviously made my clothes smell like dirt and leaves and very 'earthry.' Then I basically just quit washing my hunting clothes, that kept the earth smell. Doin this plus playing the wind and using a scent eliminating spay has allowed me to remain undetected while having deer walk literally within arms lenght of me while in my blind, I shot my buck last year from just 3 yards. So obviously it works well for me, so this year I got the idea of not only storing my hunting clothes in a rubber tote, but I think I'm going to put a little dirt and leaves in the bottum of the tote and thats where I'll store them all season. Has anyone else ever tried this or have any thoughts?:way:
One thing that I have done the past couple seasons is a little trick that I picked up while being in my ground blind I built out of brush. I never brought a chair or anthing, I either sat on the ground or stood. I clear all the twigs and leaves and debris out of the way by just sitting on the ground and digging my boot into the ground and pushing it all away. Then just sit there. Well, I noticed that doing that obviously made my clothes smell like dirt and leaves and very 'earthry.' Then I basically just quit washing my hunting clothes, that kept the earth smell. Doin this plus playing the wind and using a scent eliminating spay has allowed me to remain undetected while having deer walk literally within arms lenght of me while in my blind, I shot my buck last year from just 3 yards. So obviously it works well for me, so this year I got the idea of not only storing my hunting clothes in a rubber tote, but I think I'm going to put a little dirt and leaves in the bottum of the tote and thats where I'll store them all season. Has anyone else ever tried this or have any thoughts?:way: