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scent dripper ?


Active Member
The parents got me one of those scent drippers that you put over scapes for Christmas last year, and I've got a couple of questions about it:

1) Can I put it out in the woods right now, or should I wait? If I do put it out out early (whether it's now or in a month) where should I hang it and what scent should I put in it?

2) How often should I check it? Does it run out of sent in a few days or a couple of weeks?

3) Lastly, does anyone else use a scent dripper? What kind of success have you had with one of these products?
Kicking this one up to see if anyone has any guidance. I'm interested in hearing something from all the years of experience here in the forums.
first, i'll admit to no experience at all using a dripper so this only my opinion. My brother uses a dripper, and a feeder and any other gadget he thinks will help him in Texas. He still hasn't shot a buck worth hanging on a wall.
I still believe using scents in most cases as an attractant will hurt more than help. The deer will definetly smell it but will it put them on high alert or make them curious? I've seen it both ways. I quit using scents and paying more attention to the wind and try to go undetected. No matter what you do though, you will be busted sometime.
Every hunter has. I like to keep an open mind to new products a technoligy, but some much of it is designed to empty your wallet than to fill a space on your wall.
I have never used the scrape dripper, but form what I have read it should use about 1 ounce of scent a week. If it was me I would put it about fifty yards upwind of your stand. I have noticed that the majority of bucks will check scrapes from downwind about that distance from actual scrapes, but remember that most scrapes are visited during the night. There is a very good article on scrapes on espn outdoors website.http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/s/c_fea_QDMA_scrapes.html
That's a great article, mull47. I have never used a scent dripper and don't plan to. They may work in some instances but I shy away. There's just something about taking scent from a store into my hunting area that doesn't seem right. I'm sure I'm not the first to do this but since they've allowed us to get doe tags I've shot does and cut their tarsal glands off along with collecting their urine for scent stratigies. This way I'm using scent from a doe thats dwelling within the families of deer the dominant bucks are familar with. Works as good cover scent as well. This may or may not make sense but its been fun trying and seeing the outcome.
i havent ever tried a scent dripper and probably never will. i have tried some scents and they never seem to work, or more and less hurt the situation. i do know guys that do have it work but i never have. i wouldnt think you would want to put it out this early, if i were to put one out i would put it during prerut or during the rut, i think if you put it out now the deer would get used to it and later in the year wouldnt bother with it, but who knows, let us know if it works for yah! goodluck this year
worth a try. I know about the only thing that works is getting your butt out and hunting. Sometimes a grunt call brings in a deer sometimes not. If you get to kill a big one you will be a believer and use it more. Sometimes rattling works sometimes not. It all depends what happens for you. I have not hunted scents much because my father has had does spook that take the bucks with them and he never got a chance at them. Give it a try. In your area it will be different than in anybody else's. I would have to agree about not putting it out yet.

Good luck. Let us know what you experience.
I tried one out a couple years ago,they will bring deer to check them out in day light hours early in the morning once in a while but i never have seen any directly in the scrape.They would usally stop and look at it for a couple of seconds and be on their way.
I had a 10 pointer who was with a doe stop and beat his houves on the ground and snort for about 5 min. one morning.Unfortant for me there was a tree in the way that would not allow me a clean shot.
Had 3 young bucks have a sparing match about 60 yards from the dripper,but i dont think they really even knew it was there.
If you want to scrape hunt the best scrape is one the deer have made them selfs.Hunt them the last 2 weeks in october at the peak of the prerut.Might get some action at that time.
Just my 2 cents worth.
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