New Member
The best spot to hunt in our woods is in a ground blind in the middle of a small apple orchard we have in the woods. My mom started bowhunting last year, so my dad, brothers, and I let mom hunt the ground blind all last year. This year, she wants to hunt it all season again, so she went there on the first day and found a huge spider in there. She's deathly scared of spiders, so she went to sit in the nearest tree stand, despite being terrified of heights. Mom didn't hunt last week, so I brought my girlfriend, planning to sit with her in the ground blind. We got there and immediately noticed the golf ball sized spider, so I killed it. After convincing my girlfriend to come in there with me, I found another one the same size with a nest. So I nonchalantely killed it without her noticing. No more than 2 minutes later, I saw a third. I killed it and told her were going to sit in the two seated instead. This leads me this question... Are there any kinds of scent free bug bombs? We've had 2 good frosts so far and these things lived through both. Is there anything you guys do to keep spiders and other bugs out without giving out a smell to deer? Thanks!!