Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


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Have not used one, but no way they can meet their claims. They have a box that circulates 130 degree air and claim it eliminates odors buy killing bacteria. 130 F and dry will kill most bacteria, but will not eliminate any scent they have already produced, nor will warm air remove any other scent any better than your dryer. 130 F air will not eliminate smells of gas, deoderant, smoke, etc, etc. Total gimmick, but that does not matter as much as good marketing.
Have not used one, but no way they can meet their claims. They have a box that circulates 130 degree air and claim it eliminates odors buy killing bacteria. 130 F and dry will kill most bacteria, but will not eliminate any scent they have already produced, nor will warm air remove any other scent any better than your dryer. 130 F air will not eliminate smells of gas, deoderant, smoke, etc, etc. Total gimmick, but that does not matter as much as good marketing.

Let me make it clear that I did not purchase the box as I won it in a big buck contest. I think they will have a purpose. The difference with my dryer is that it's had clothes washed in smell good detergent run through it all yr. The box will help to dry clothes that have become damp during a light rain etc. I for one smoke my clothes so the scent elimination part is of little interest to me
Let me make it clear that I did not purchase the box as I won it in a big buck contest. I think they will have a purpose. The difference with my dryer is that it's had clothes washed in smell good detergent run through it all yr. The box will help to dry clothes that have become damp during a light rain etc. I for one smoke my clothes so the scent elimination part is of little interest to me

My post probably did not come of as intended, so appologies for that. I don't mean for my comments to reflect anything on you, just spouting off on my thoughts of the product based on some of my huting experience and science background. Regardless of my thoughts of the validity of their claims, i am sure you will get some odor reduction by pulling air accross your cloths, similar to hanging them on a cloths line (assuming the box is outside pulling in fresh air). If you pull in air from the house or garage the cloths will have odors from those locations very similar to hanging your cloths to dry in those same locations. I agree with othesr comments it will certainly not hurt. If they are smelly and you air them out by any method they will become less smelly.
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My post probably did not come of as intended, so appologies for that. I don't mean for my comments to reflect anything on you, just spouting off on my thoughts of the product based on some of my huting experience and science background. Regardless of my thoughts of the validity of their claims, i am sure you will get some odor reduction by pulling air accross your cloths, similar to hanging them on a cloths line (assuming the box is outside pulling in fresh air). If you pull in air from the house or garage the cloths will have odors from those locations very similar to hanging your cloths to dry in those same locations. I agree with othesr comments it will certainly not hurt. If they are smelly and you air them out by any method they will become less smelly.

Yeah I'm not a firm believer in the scent lok and all that but when someone gives it to you it's worth a try. The heat to dry out moisture is my main purpose
Your using smoke and magic boxes ........and I'm not too bright???Hahaha Gimmicks don't fool a deers nose, period.

I'm not a believer in the box eliminating anything but scientific proof says that smoke kills bacteria which creates odor, smoke doesn't fool a deer but kills bacteria. Maybe uneducated was a better term to use......
Ah forget all that scent elimination stuff...just hunt deer like the Secy of State...y'know, get dirt and leaves all over yourself...play the wind...

"I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach. I track and move and decoy and play games and try to outsmart them. You know, you kind of play the wind. That's hunting!"

-- John Kerry
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