Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Premium Platinum Member
Hey im in my WEb page design class and I have figured out that I spend twice as much time on this site than doing anything else. Almost every computer in my school has iowawhitetail as the homepage. I actually got in trouble for doing that though and had to change the ones in the library back. So i was just wondering when you guys get on this site.
Gundog- I vistit schools in NE Iowa, what school do you go to? If I vistit your school you will have to come introduce yourself. I vistit the counselors office. We can talk whitetails. Just STAY IN SCHOOL!!!
home, school, other people computers when im at their house. Anywhere i can!

its addicting.....huntn4life88
I check while i am in class. Love the wireless internet, hate when the teacher asks me a question while i am surfing the site...
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