Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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Curious to what everyone here thinks he'll go. I wanna say he'll gross 170's for sure but not quiet sure if he'll break the 180's. He's got awesome potential if he puts on about 10 more inches.


I am gonna guess low 160s when he is done. He's a dandy, thanks for sharing!!
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Gonna be big thats for sure...I hate guessing while they are still in velvet....that fuzz can be pretty deceiving sometimes.
Hard to know how much more he will grow but Id say 150ish as of now.

I agree, He's right at 50 now with his kickers. I think you'll be hard pressed to get 10 more inches out of him. He's a main frame 8 so either way I think you'll be happy if he ends up in the 50's. Good Luck
My best guess is that he is upper 150's -low 160's now.If you are trying to decide if he is a shooter or not your standards are much higher than mine.It looks like the left beam is about to split into a G4.With another full month of growth I would say he ends up around 170
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