Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Well-Known Member
I dont give a crap about ages.. I just simply want a rough idea on scores on these brutes...pics were posted awhile back and they had some growing yet to do, well pretty sure they are done growing for the most part in these pics... I just want to get ideas, and then after this weekend I will post some hard horn photos for comparison... and hopefully be holding one of them:way: And just to clarify, the time and date were wrong on the second cam, but I had 2 cams in the same spot to get different angles so I know when it was taken... Second buck is a main frame 10 as well, hard to see..

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Can't see tine length real well on the second one, but man they're both big! From what I can tell, I'd say they will be pretty similar scores. I'd venture to say they will be pushing 170.
I'll be the first to throw out a number. I'll put the first one at 170 and the second at 175. The second one appears to have more mass and more overall tine length along with a little junk. The first has good tine length along with the mass and main beams. Could be way off with those camera angles, but both deserve a sharp stick through the boiler room.
Here are a few more pics.. obviously first one is the big main frame ten... and the next 2 pics are different angle of the ten with junk..


Both great bucks. I don't think they are quiet 170". I'd guess the first in the upper 160's and the second is low-mid 160's. I'd shoot either one! Good luck
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