Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



When is the best time to hunt the scrapes or put them in. I've heard they are good to hunt until rut is going on.
From my experiences (both in the tree and from trailcams) bucks will hit them from now until the start of first shotgun season( even later on unpressured parcels) but the last weekend of october thru the friday before first shotgun the bucks are more active during the day. They start checking them for the first hot doe and then after the peak of the rut, they are looking for all the later does to come into estrus.
The most important thing is to find a primary scrape, and hunt that. A lot of scrapes get made, and then never get visited again. If you find one they are using on a regualar basis, try to sit downwind of it. Might catch one cruising. One problem with hunting scrapes in my area, is they are only getting hit at night. Scrape hunting usually is better the closer to the rut we get....IMO
Made a huge scrape last week with hopes of it turning into a community scrape. Checked camera saturday opening day and had 6 different bucks scent checking licking branches and adding to it. Had one decent buck play around for 30 minutes.
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