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Screen or no screen



I cant decide if i should spend the money and time to put this screen in place or just leave switchgrass out to the lane. I feel that the screen will help enclose the switch field and create a travel corridor.
I am thinking of 2 rows of shrubs and one row of conifers or save money and just leave it in switch.
It will screen the lane we have to use sometimes to acces our stands on north side of property.
Do you plan on burning the switch in the future? If yes, then have a plan to protect the young trees and shrubs from the heat. I can't comment if a screen would help or not as I've never been in a situation like this.
that is one downfall asi will hve to mow a fire break down edge of screen when i burn, rather than just lighting it up.
Right now the switch is being prepped for frost sedding so if i do the screen both trees and switch will be new.
You could always plant a strip of food plot between the trees and switch. Or just mow it like you say. It sounds like it'd be a nice looking place for deer and birds!
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