Camo Up!
Hey guys. Been having a few issues with at least one camera this year, and not sure if it is the camera or the card. Have got a few low number pulls this year from it. More than one was a pretty low number and the batteries were dead. The last pull had just over 200 pics over a 3 week period. Dead batteries didn't surprise me as this spot usually goes thru the batteries, but I usually get around 4,000-5,000 pics on multishot in 2-3 weeks. The other weird thing is that it took/saved pics a couple days after turning it on, skipped a few days and took/saved more pics (including me when I checked it and replaced batteries), and then skipped about 5 days (I know something had to be in front of the camera during this time as there was food in front of it that disappeared) and then took/saved more pics, then nothing. Had Dad check a few days after that to see if it took his pic and he said it didn't do anything, so I'm assuming the batteries were dead at that point. Either the pull before this or two pulls before this, I had mixed up my cards and used one that usually goes in another camera (2gb sd vs. 8 gb sdhc), and it took/saved over 4,000 pics until it filled the card.
I have found weird files on a few of my cards (tried to upload pics to my albums, but not sure if they are working), which have been there for a while, and some of the pics either are not whole or won't open. I had read on here about software to read the deleted files left on the card, so was hoping that I could get this and see what might still be on them. I delete after every pull, but don't reformat.
A few questions:
1) Has anyone had anything similar to this happen?
2) Why would the camera take pics one day, skip a few, take more, skip a few, take more, on and on?
3) Would the camera still try to take photos if the card is full and thus run down the battery?
4) Do you think it's the camera or card?
I have found weird files on a few of my cards (tried to upload pics to my albums, but not sure if they are working), which have been there for a while, and some of the pics either are not whole or won't open. I had read on here about software to read the deleted files left on the card, so was hoping that I could get this and see what might still be on them. I delete after every pull, but don't reformat.
A few questions:
1) Has anyone had anything similar to this happen?
2) Why would the camera take pics one day, skip a few, take more, skip a few, take more, on and on?
3) Would the camera still try to take photos if the card is full and thus run down the battery?
4) Do you think it's the camera or card?