I hunt days ending in Y
This season favored the early seasons. Jake and a hen flew into my dekes at first light. After 15 minutes the jake gave up on my hen deke. Birds were talking all over so I sat tight. About ten I saw some turkeys in the field and called once. Here they come. Two longbeards,3 jakes and a hen. Let them have their way with my jake deke for a minute and took the biggest. Just a young tom. 8 1/2" beard,22 lbs. and 3/4" spurs. Passed some other young toms trying to get one old bird. Had him in a tree one morning right behind me. As usual flyout went south. Was really happy with the amount of young birds I saw. Should be on the upswing the next few years. Till next year. My partner TeenageHunter carried me again this year. I'm a load.