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Second-Degree Manslaughter


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Minnesota Man Convicted in Hunter Deer-Stand Death

(AP) — A jury has convicted a Minnesota man of second-degree manslaughter for pulling down a tree stand and causing a hunter's fatal injuries.

The Bemidji Pioneer reports jurors deliberated nearly five hours before convicting 53-year-old Kevin McCormick of Breezy Point on Friday.

Jurors concluded McCormick climbed up Jerry Benedict's deer stand on Nov. 6, 2010, while Benedict was sitting in it and pulled the stand down.

Medical records showed Benedict suffered eight broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. He eventually was airlifted to a Fargo, N.D. hospital, where he died.

The prosecution argued that Benedict did not fall from the deer stand but was pulled out of the stand by McCormick.

McCormick's attorney suggested that Benedict's injuries were caused by his falling from a second tree stand later that day.

I'd be curious to know more about this. Was there conflict between 2 hunters? An anti harassing a hunter? Strange deal, too bad about the death.
Bet the guy doesnt have to worry about posting no hunting signs anymore.
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Wow, very unfortunate, but is it just me or does it sound like about a dozen people were all hunting within a couple hundred yards of each other? There is no excuse for someone deliberately injuring another, but if there were as many people packed into a small area as it sounds I think the potential for something bad to happen is scary high.
I tell you what, I have ADD or ADHD (whatever you wanna call it) pretty bad and that was very apparent while reading that article, all these names, scattered story all over the place. I either need someone to break this down to me concisely or I'm getting a Ritalin Prescription and re-reading later.
I tell you what, I have ADD or ADHD (whatever you wanna call it) pretty bad and that was very apparent while reading that article, all these names, scattered story all over the place. I either need someone to break this down to me concisely or I'm getting a Ritalin Prescription and re-reading later.

It is very confusing i just read through it once and gave up i dont know if the guy was hunting with him or new him or what. Dont know what the mud in the end of the barrel has to do with anything either.
Wow, very unfortunate, but is it just me or does it sound like about a dozen people were all hunting within a couple hundred yards of each other? There is no excuse for someone deliberately injuring another, but if there were as many people packed into a small area as it sounds I think the potential for something bad to happen is scary high.

Thats what i got out of it and at one point one guy says the stand he was in was only a couple hundred feet away from his buddies stand and he didnt know it. Definitely confusing instead of using names they shouldve used defendant, victim, witness ect.
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