Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

seen any?

saw 10 deer from 8 to 8:30. Almost got a shot off at a nice doe, but she turned the wrong direction. Had to let down and she caught me. Saw a real good ten pointer ( needs one more year IMO) that walked right past me. He really tested my willingness to pass. Great opening morning overall! Hope everyone has great luck!
Saw a dozen does and fawns and a few yearling bucks before I shot a doe at 750. The air was nice and crisp this morning.
I saw 6 does/fawns and 2 small bucks. I shot a nice doe at 6:55 this morning. Beautiful morning!
Saw a young 4 and a pig 10 from 8-12. The 10 popped out running at about 40 yards and ran away. Gave me a little hope seeing something like that!
saw all kinds of deer including a 140 class 10 point in the morning and didn't see JACK in the evening. . . different farms too
didnt get out this morning. Jumped a fork buck walking to the stand at about 2, what seemed like 1000 tree rats 20 turkeys and a 130 140 class 8 about 70 yards away.
7 does by 8:30 passed on all.. 2 nice buck at 9am one was hit list 160 6x5, he made 90 degree turn and got by me, the 10 was 140 and I passed him trying for the big one. Went back 2 pm to same spot and ZERO, weird....
Saw 5 does and a bobcat in the am. Zip this afternoon. Probably cause of the hunting pressure this morning around my evening stand. That's how it is on public land though. Gonna get at em again in the morning. Probably gonna skip the evening tomorrow.

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My son got his first bow kill, a nice doe 20 minutes after legal shooting time. Saw another doe and 2 fawns as well. Going to hunt with my other son tomorrow on a different property that wasn't hunted today.
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