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Self imposed deer regs


PMA Member
With all the threads on new deer rules and good or bad old ones, what are some of the more interesting self-imposed rules you have heard of? I was talking to a landowner who hunts with a very large group during shotgun season. They have a couple good ones. $50 fine for shooting a small buck, I believe he said anything under 16 in. spread. Details not important here. They just fine you for shooting a small buck. Here's the one I hadn't heard before. $2 fine for every MISSED shot. All money collected was divided up between landowners of ground they hunt. I asked what they usually collect. Usually around $200. I bet it doesn't sound like WWII when they do a drive!! Just getting everyone to pause a sec and consider the shot they are about to take would also make for a much safer hunt.
Have a friend whos group does things similar, with an addition that anyone shooting a button buck has to buy at the local pub that night.
My brothers hunt my place, we call deer that should NOT have been shot "OOPSY'S". Usually every few years someone shoots one that's too young. They get a 1-2 year ban off my place for that, no hunting. Ok, we are joking when we say this but it's still funny. I told my bro when he shot an oopsy a couple years ago "there's some really good state land about 5 miles from here!" :) In reality, if they do shoot an "OOPSY" off my place, they usually have to do something like cook & do all the cleaning for a week or something. Your post has sparked some thought into some better penalties! :)
My BIL in south Texas has a pretty strict management policy of 5.5 years and 10 pt minimum if the anlters are outside the ears. He has charged guys on his lease $200/point if the buck was less than 10 pts. He told me about making a guy pay $1600 for shooting a younger 8 pt that he "misjudged as a 10pt". A friend of mine shot a beautiful 9 pointer down there and had to pay $1800. When I honestly misjudged (honest) a buck, he let me off with a well deserved ribbing because I was family and he could see how disappointed I was when we recovered the buck :thrwrck:. Nevertheless, I'm now VERY picky about the bucks, to the point I let a shooter go Dec 08 (twice within 20 minutes) because I spent too much time 2nd guessing his quality. When I realized he as at least a 5.5-yo 10 point, he walked into the brush as I reached for my rifle and didn't come back a 3rd time. :(
We have some rules too. One of the biggest is that if you shoot a buck, you must mount it. This really makes people sure of the buck they shoot because no one wants to pay the money to mount a small deer that must be displayed in their house. 3.5 age min, and 130" min. Don't go by spread because we all know that huge bucks can have a tall tight rack.......the 17 pt 163" I shot this year had 15" spread etc.

What other rules do people have that I can use???
Sethgade, I've tried to explain that some of the basket racks will score higher than wide racks due to tine length, but in TX, wide racks are very ingrained/hard-wired. Would love to show him a picture of a 163" w/ 15" spread. Those are his rules, though, and I have to follow if I want to keep hunting for free.
Hear you there. Not much you can do when it is his place and his rules. I would shoot whatever he wants too if I could hunt for free and see great deer
Back in the day when I used to party hunt our group had several sections we could run. This was in an area of Iowa that was and still is over run with deer. Then a 40 was sold, then another 40 was sold, then a 240 sold and on and on creating areas we could not hunt. Our rule back then was if you DON'T shoot you don't get invited back. Needless to say the party never shrunk and when it continued to grow and our access continued to shirk it was time for me to say adios.

And yes the rule was "if it's brown it better be down and if it ain't down your gun better be empty and the barrel too hot to touch".

Now the only rule I have for shotgun hunting is stay outta the Makers just in case I gotta do a dead deer retrieval in the Rhino. Don't wanna be 0-3.

The 'Bonker
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