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Senator Response


Active Member
After listening to Governor Vilsack on the news yesterday I made the decision to write my senator regarding the increase in non-resident deer tags and here is his response.

"Relax.  Won’t happen!  I am co-chair of the Senate Nat. Resources Committee.  The deer bill us under my control.  There will be NO increase in Non-resident either-sex licenses.  6,000 is the limit.  End of discussion!"
Senator Dennis Black

I must of sounded upset im my e-mail
I tried to state the facts and made sure he knew my position. Apparently he has heard from others. Keep writing and calling, they do listen.

Thanks Mole!

I'm sure you have seen his bill and what should concern hunters is the fact Senator Black wants to remove the cap off of NR antlerless tags.

If this happens in just a few short years we will have well more than 10,000 NR hunters in our state each year and demand for land access will displace many Iowa hunters.

When talking with your Legislators it is important to distinguish either sex and antlerless tags in your communications as Senator Black does not think the antlerless increase is an issue with Iowa hunters.
Thanks Chris.

After reading his response again I finally caught the political talk of "any sex tags". Looks like I need to write again and make sure he understands that this hunter opposes any increase at all.

Here is the response to my second e-mail to Senator Black. It sounds like lifting the cap of antlerless tags is a done deal.

"Again, I ask for your trust.  The cap will be removed, and you should not be greatly concerned.  Conversely, it is being done to allow DNR to reduce the cap when they see the need, based on the population dynamics of the whitetail.  Currently, should DNR receive requests for 2500 nonresident anterless, they would have to sell them.  Actually, the cap has never been met.

 This deer herd is going to be thinned within the next two years, and we need to allow DNR to have the management authority to say, “NO – we have thinned the herd, and enough is enough.  Lets maintain an acceptable level, and non-resident antlerless will no longer be sold.â€Â  Rest assured, if they abuse this for monetary considerations, we still make the laws in the legislature.

 The cap will be removed.  All conservation organizations in the state have “agreed to the bill†in its form.  It is a very popular piece of legislation in the legislature this year.
Stick with me on this."
Senator Dennis Black

So did the IBA sign off on this??

That sounds ridiculous... if they have never sold out of the current 2500 NR antlerless tags, then WHY the hell would they consider increasing or lifting the cap????

The DNR has already admitted that an increase in NR antlerless tags is not an effective strategy for controlling the herd
That sounds ridiculous... if they have never sold out of the current 2500 NR antlerless tags, then WHY the hell would they consider increasing or lifting the cap????

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My thoughts exactly.
"The cap will be removed. All conservation organizations in the state have agreed to the bill in its form. It is a very popular piece of legislation in the legislature this year."

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Just curious about this...what is the IBA stance on the removal of this cap? I thought I knew...
Please correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds to like they need to remove the legaslative cap and give control back to the DNR. This should give the DNR the ability to move the number of tags up and down as needed. The only danger is the DNR's desperate need for funds and what might look like an easy way to raise them. Also I hope this isn't just a stair step to additional any sex tags. Trust can be a very tenuous thing.
I didn't think that all the NR anterless had been sold but was told different. One or two more years should be given to see the results of resident efforts on the anterless tags. I think that Onecam had the right idea- we need the emphasis placed on the record amount of antlerless tags sold to residents instead of the few places that didn't sell out.

BINGO! Everyone is so focused on the anysex tags they are failing to see the potential damage of removing the cap on the antler less tags could do.
True we didn't sell all of the 2,500 tags last year (we sold 2,479). Yet the trend for year to year NR antlerless tags sales is on a steep increase. The DNR knows this and has forcasted future financial opportunity $$. If this trend stays the same we will be selling 5,000+ antlerless licenses in just a few years.

If we allow the cap to be removed it will be very very unlikely that a cap will make it on any future bills.

What Senator Black said is true - he has not received any opposition from the conservation groups - including the IBA, PF, TF etc. Now is the time to your Conservations groups and let them know your stance.
A survey of the membership will take place.There are several ?'s.I think I can tell you the answers,but will wait.
To the best of my knowledge no one signed off on something they haven't seen.Until something comes out in B&W nobody knows for sure what the piece of legislation will say or do.
My personal opinion is everyone should be calling the Senate NRC and all senators about not lifting the cap.
My personal opinion is everyone should be calling the Senate NRC and all senators about not lifting the cap.

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thanks for adding the all important "not" to that last sentence
sounds like Vilsack has the right frame of mind. He knows what he's doing on this one. NR Either sex tags need to be increased. It's bs when landowners can't get tags. Iowa residents think they will get forced out..i really highly doubt that. i dont care if the Governor is a dem, im with him on this one
Just saying Vilsack has the right frame of mind on this one,says it all. He has burned us before.
Remember the Dove issue !!!!!!
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