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Server Updates


Well-Known Member
We are upgrading the Iowawhitetail server to a faster more high end server.

We will be moving the site tonight between midnight and 1am eastern time. The process we use is the following, we will put the forums into maintenance mode. We will then transfer the site to the new server. We will take the site out of maintenance mode.

This may take up to 24 hours to see the location of the new site so we will rig the forums so that the old server actually uses the database from the new server that way if anyone still reaches the old server for some reason there is no loss of data.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this move may cause however we know you will be pleased with the performance of the new server.
So you decided to replace the old string between two cans with a new piece of high conductive string? Can you hear me now?

The 'Bonker
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