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Set Up?


Well-Known Member
So, for 3 straight years I have yet to get a Turkey. I've been using 1 or 2 hen Dekes and a Jake sometimes. I've never used a Tom before, plus they're a little expensive. I've set up in 5 different areas two of which I've found are good spots with good toms. I just can't get to my one good spot (40mins away) so I think I might over hunt my other spot. Also, anybody have shot placements for a Turkey with a Bow? I'm thinking about buying a Bow tag and going out.
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So, for 3 straight years I have yet to get a Turkey. I've been using 1 or 2 hen Dekes and a Jake sometimes. I've never used a Tom before, plus they're a little expensive. I've set up in 5 different areas two of which I've found are good spots with good toms. I just can't get to my one good spot so I think I might over hunt my other spot. Also, anybody have shot placements for a Turkey with a Bow? I'm thinking about buying a Bow tag and going out.

There is a sticky on shot placements at the top of this forum.

I think it was put there last year.
My biggest problem when I first started is that I moved too much. I rarely move anymore and it has increased my success substantially. It is grueling at times but believe me it pays off. If you are in an area where you frequently see toms they will show up with calling every half hour or so.

Here is another one of my closely guarded tips. When and if I do move I wait a full hour or I hear a gobble before I call. Also can be painstaking but a turkey forgets every half hour so make him forget twice...

Finally stay positive, it will happen. :way:
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If you don't get one by 4th season then get ahold of me and we'll chase a few around as long as you're willing to make the trip!
I would say to stay patient and keep at it. Also if you know they are going to come through your spot at some point in the day STAY put.
1) Turkeys : For a dumb bird are pretty smart and have great eyesight. So keep your movement to a minimum even in a blind.

2) Until I learned how to move and when to move by personal experience, I did not kill many birds. When I did learn this, spotting and stalking/ cutting distances became a very good alternative to sitting in one place for hours. Remember, When hunting turkeys you're going against nature. The hens usually go to the tom, not the tom to the hen. You're trying to make the tom do something unnatural.

3) Call to the hens. Calling to the hens with some light Kee Kees or an assembly call. If you can call in hens they'll bring whatever is in tow with them. There's not a better decoy than the real thing.

4) I think this is the most important. Know the lay of the land like the back of your hand. If you know how to use the lay of the land to move without being seen ( running creek beds, terraces, swales, knobs) it makes things much easier to move towards turkeys and deer for that matter and get into range.

Pretty much TH hone your woodsmans skills. The only way you can do that is being in the woods. Good luck and stick with it.
Thanks for all the info! I call to hens all the time, I didn't know if I shouldn't do it or not but it brought a Tom in. I've only seen 4 Toms while I've been out and 12 Hens. I could have shot 9 of those hens and 2 of the Toms. I wanted him within 20 yards and he was at 30 then I found the same Tom at 20 yards and missed. The other Tom just came into 50 yards went back out came back in went out. Then a group of hens came and he was GONE. I'll be sure to give you a ring if I don't get one by 4th Sureshot! I have Baseball and Track over lapping during 4th so I have no idea when I'm going to be able to go out (just weekends probably). Thanks everybody for the pointers. I already knew a few and now I know more. I just really want a bird xD sure it's fun watching them, but man!!! After 3 years it gets boring.
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