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Setup on roosted birds


PMA Member
I know this has been discussed a little bit in another thread, but I wanted to bring it up again. I want to know if anyone has had success when setting out deeks, especially a strutter deek, in plain view of roosted birds. It sounded like most, if not all of you said this was a bad idea, and will scare off most birds. I have avoided this setup.

Last night I watched the latest episode of Primos TV show. They were hunting Kansas and had the B-mobile set up 100 yards away in clear site and the tom flew straight into the deeks and was dead within 15 seconds of touching down.

The area I primarily hunt is very thick and rugged terrain with few clearings. The one good clearing I have has birds roosting on the edges every night. I have hunted off this field in the thicker stuff a few mornings and have yet to have a bird come into my setup, though I hear them gobbling all around during the morning. I am very tempted now to set up in the field, but want to hear from the jury before I do.

What do you all think? Should I try it, or do you have any other suggestions, with the limited info I have given?
If it were me, I'd go in early in the afternoon and bushwhack them as they came back to roost. I can NEVER sneak in on roosted birds regardless of how careful I am in the morning. If that ain't an option I'd go in really REALLY early and set the blind up dead center of the clearing, put the decoys out and not call until you hear birds start flying down around you. Good luck.
I know this isn't totally relevant to your question but, one comment made in the other post, and I think it was Ghost's, was to go in the middle of the day before you want to hunt and set up your blind. I've taken that advice and man is it nice to get in to your spot early in the morning and not cause a commotion. All you got to do then is set up decoys and settle in for that first gobble and sunrise. I don't know if you're hunting a spot where you'd feel comfortable leaving your blind over night but it's an option. However, after leaving my blind out over night I had a resident cow that thought it'd look better closer towards the creek.

The way these birds have been henned up lately in my area I'm not too sure it'd even matter if they'd see the decoys in the open while on roost cause as soon as they're on the ground they already got girlfriends for the morning. I hope that's changing this week
I would suggest setting up a blind early, and if anything, use a wing and flap like he came out of the tree...just a thought..pry dumb idea
last year my roommate and i went in near a roosting spot and set up. we about crapped our pants when a gobbler lit up the sky with a loud gobble, and he was CLOSE. as it started getting lighter we made out his position, it was only 50 yards away. we let off some really soft tree yelps and he flew down right at sunrise and i blasted him. We had the decoy set up behind us, who knows if he saw it.
I definitely plan on setting up the blind the afternoon before and leave the deeks and all my gear(except my bow) in the blind. I can definitely sneek in quietly before light if all I'm carrying is a bow. I didn't know if I should try and hunt them that afternoon or just wait till the morning hunt, at least the first time I try this. I plan on setting up Fri. if I can get down there early enough, then hunt Sat morning and evening from the blind.
Kansas, my advice. Make your own decisions. Everyone on here has their opinions about what to do, based on their experiences. Trial and Error is the only thing to learn by. Personally the first place I would have set up, would have been in that field, and who knows what will happen. The only "for sure" in hunting is where you put that bead when the tom walks into range. And that's never 100%. Personally I don't care if I shoot the smartest bird in the field if I get his dumb buddy. But I like your plan for the weekend and I hope you and your friend get a double on some thick bearded butterballs!
Kansas, my advice. Make your own decisions. Everyone on here has their opinions about what to do, based on their experiences. Trial and Error is the only thing to learn by.

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This is the correct answer...
Thanks for the responses guys. I had pretty much made up my mind to try this, but have found myself second guessing my setups alot this year. I don't have the advantage of seeing strutters from 400 yards away as alot of you guys do and was hoping that some of you seasoned bird hunters would tell me if I was making a big mistake with this setup. We'll see if it is a mistake Saturday morning.
With all the rain we have just had, getting in on roosted birds is a piece of cake....

I have to agree with some of the others though...follow your gut!
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