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Sharpening Montecs


New Member
I am looking for suggestions on the best way to sharpen Montecs. Anyone getting them really sharp? I have heard that a diamond stone is the best but I'm not sure which one and I'm looking for advice. Thanks in advance.
I use my diamond stone that I use for knives and it seems to get them pretty sharp.I also have the hand held (pull thru style) unit that Montec sells and haven't been overly impressed.
The other thing I tried with some success was 1000 grit auto finishing sandpaper. Still could not get them near as sharp as the blades on my G5 strikers - those babies are SHARP !!!!
The montec's blade is sharpened in a way that it will cut through anything regardless of if it feels sharp or not. It is one of the sharpest broadheads on the market.
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